Midweek Midmorning

Aug 30, 2007 17:13

Midweek Midmorning
Panic! at the Disco // Jon/Spencer // PG // 584 words
by girlintheband

for we_are_cities' aug 28 07 prompt. um. yeah. I blame that prompt entirely for the utter sappiness of this. also, hormones.

a midweek midmorning to ourselves / it would be misspent somewhere else.

Jon stands in the doorway of the nursery for five minutes before Spencer realises he's there.

"Hey," Spencer says softly when he notices him, a slow smile lighting up his face.

"Hey." Jon smiles back, padding barefoot across the room and wrapping his arms around Spencer's waist from behind.

Spencer leans back against him, gazing down at the the crib again, faint traces of his smile still lingering across his mouth. Jon rests his chin on Spencer's shoulder and tilts his head to the side a little, nuzzling at Spencer's jaw.

Spencer exhales slowly, deep; his eyes don't leave the crib.

"I can't believe she's actually ours," he mumbles quietly, leaning his head against Jon's. He pauses, then sighs. "Jon?"

"Mmm?" Jon hums, one hand moving lazily on Spencer's belly, rubbing lightly in small circles.

Spencer doesn't reply for a few moments, and Jon can tell he's chewing on his lower lip just from the movements in his cheek.

"What if we screw up?" He asks finally, his voice hesitant.

Jon smiles gently, presses his face against Spencer's neck so he can feel it. "We won't. Promise."

Spencer laughs quietly, placing his hands on top of Jon's. "You can't promise that."

Jon grins, lacing his fingers through Spencer's. "Well, no. But, what's the worst that can happen? Dysfunctional kids always end up being musicians, anyway. It's like, a law of nature or something."

Spencer snorts. "A law of nature, right."

Jon nods, still grinning. "Seriously. I think uh, Pete told me once. Said Patrick kept asking the same thing when they first took Sarah home." He nudges Spencer's cheek with his nose, breathing in deeply. "Spence," he murmurs. "Come on. You're gonna make a great mom, okay?"

Spencer opens his mouth to say something, then closes it again, twisting his head slightly to look at Jon, eyebrows raised, amused. Jon does what he can to look innocent. "What?"

Spencer narrows his eyes at him. "I-- Just 'cause I wore an apron yesterday, doesn't make me the mom."

Jon bites his lip to hold back a grin. "No, right, course not."

"I'll have you know the girl in the shop assured me it was a very appropriate and manly apron." The corner of Spencer's mouth twitches as he speaks, like he's trying to do anything but smile.

"Uh huh," Jon smirks. "I'm sure she did."

He holds their gaze until Spencer shakes his head and laughs before looking away, down at their sleeping daughter.

Jon closes his eyes, content, and rests his temple against the side of Spencer's neck again. The sunshine pouring through the thin, peach-coloured curtain drawn across the bay window in the corner of the room is warm on his face, and with his eyes shut, the room smells like summer and Spencer and baby powder. Jon hums a little, presses his body closer to Spencer's.

A minute passes in comfortable silence before Jon speaks again.



Jon grins, eyes still closed. "If you wanna wear an apron.. like, even if you wanna wear one every day for the rest of your life?" He pauses. "As long as you keep making me pancakes in the morning, that would really, seriously be okay with me."

Spencer chuckles, and Jon can practically feel him roll his eyes. "You're so kind," he mumbles, tone dripping with sarcasm. "I totally remember why I married you now."

Jon turns his head, presses a kiss to Spencer's jaw, grinning even though he knows Spencer's joking. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Spencer says softly after a beat, and Jon can hear the smile in his voice.
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