Yesterday, another awesome day of my week off.
Chris and I walked down to the Department of Transport to renew his license, getting lost and giggly in the process. Pen stealing, wedgies and ONE UPS ensued. Decided to walk home the long way and in the process both developed an urge to stock up on art supplies. Walked the even LONGER way home and went down Park road to the pseudo Eckerlsley's store on Douglas Street. We probably spent close to an hour there before I even realised there was a downstairs with glorious, glorious amounts of blank papers. Both bought goodies and then got sidetracked once more on the way home by cheap toy cars and HUGE telescope shopping. We then got sidetracked AGAIN, by black leather, executive office chairs at crazy prices in Officeworks. We bought Chris one for $89. I paid $129 for mine a few weeks ago and its pretty much exactly the same thing. GASP! After I convinced Chris that his idea of carrying it the whole way home might not be the best, Tanya turned up to pick us up and Chris decided the chair was too much effort to carry two metres to the checkout. (double scoop icecream)
As a side note : colour printers are getting really cheap. I had no idea they were so cheap. Did you know they were so cheap? P.S. So cheap.
By about 10pm I had a huge DDR craving so we caught a bus into Replay. Friday nights are so busy. DDR wasn't particularly busy but it makes the whole place so loud and I find it hard to focus on the beats when I'm playing. With that in mind, I still seem to be doing better. I got A's pretty much on everything I did on light and passing the easier songs on standard. We played a shooting game, which I SUCK AT, but thanks to Chris I have the pose totally down. *nod nod* Then played about 6 games of air hockey. I won one. ONE.
Second side note : air hockey sound effects can be manipulated to sound like record scratching. Airtables baby. wiggy wiggy SCRAAAATCH.
At about 12:15am we went upstairs at Hungry Jack's and both sat and drew for the next 2 hours. It was great. I drew a few other things but this drawing was my major sketch success of the night. Ignore the blue, its all construction work. You can click it to see a bigger, better view and I wasn't overly happy with most of the face and hair so I cut it out in photoshop.
Walked home from the city, with only a couple of minor distractions along the way and got home to Chris' place about 3am.
We both realised that if I hadn't have met Chris, I'd never have spent 2 hours of my night at an arcade not wanting to leave. If Chris hadn't met me he never would have spent 2 hours of his night drawing happily.
I liked us both to start with. Now its like double chocolate.