Apr 10, 2008 21:28
All I want is cloth pantyliners that are *really* thin, and under 7" - preferably 6". Ok that's not really *all* I want, but it would make me very happy right now. I tell you, I really wish I could sew. Well I *can* but I was just starting to do an acceptable job about 10 years ago and I haven't touched my sewing machine since. (except for a couple times to fix things) The reason being - every place I'm finding and checking that makes cloth pads? They're backed up for weeks on end, they are on breaks because they had so much sewing to do that nothing got done, they're out of stock and can't keep up... and I'm having a hell of a time finding anyone that offers 6" pads. I have these wonderful very thin but very protective 5" pads I got from Whistling Moose (on etsy.com) but she doesn't seem to be around anymore. I love Punky's Pads, and I could ask her for custom pads, she's done it for me before, but I know that right now she's just as slammed as everyone else. She has wonderful circle pads that are 6" and really comfortable, but they're a bit thicker than what I want. I did order another one of those, and a couple of her new winged liners, and they're *wonderful* but I don't know what I was thinking. The liners - while fantastic, as all her stuff always is, and so far no one else I've bought from has been higher quality, maybe equal, but not better - are 8". And I dunno what I was thinking 8" was. I was probably on pain meds.
A long time ago (story time) I don't remember why, but someone asked me what 8" was. (OMG this was a looooong time ago) So I held my thumb and forefinger about 3" apart and I said, "About this much." And someone said (as I wanted them to), "That's not 8"!!" And I replied, "That's what my husband told me!"
The point of that story being that men lie about penis size. No, the point is that I must have been thinking that that's really what 8" is. And I kinda feel bad, cuz while I LOVE them (one is black flannel with perfect white skull/crossbones - she has one of the best fabric selections of anyone) I probably really didn't *need* them. I have others that are similar. Honestly, I think I'm going to keep track of what I'm using and maybe sell or give some away. (If anyone is interested in trying them? Let me know. I know a lot of people find "used pads" really gross, but none of mine are stained and they're probably cleaner than anything else we own. Not that I have issues with people thinking it's gross. I have some I tried once and they're ok, but I like the all in ones better.)
So I still need 6" THIN pantyliners. I could nag Punky's Pads to make me a thinner circle pad. Or a shorter winged liner. But I do hate to throw people off that way if I don't have to.
And yes - I wish I sewed better so I could just do it myself. Though I may eventually try. But if I do it, I doubt I'll run out and buy pretty flannel or cotton. Maybe I can find scraps at a garage sale and use old shirts and stuff for the insides.
I have some sewing to do. One of the things I've changed about my life is I no longer just get rid of things or buy new ones. I'm fixing things. Including holes in clothes. And yes, I have a huge pile of stuff that's been sitting around since last summer, but I *will* fix things. It's been hard with the legs and the car accident thing to organize something like that. My sewing machine is at my mother's so it has to be carried here - I have to make room to use it here which means rearranging some stuff and I can't do that on my own - I have to have someone distract the kitties because I can really only sew in the kitchen - and I'm not sure how long I'll last before I hurt too much to finish. So yeah. Rambling.
A few things are unfixable, and they're now cleaning rags. An old blanket that somehow completely fell apart in the wash (and really, that was a complete mystery, it's a front loading washer and brand new and nothing else fell apart) Mom stuffed in her dog's bed, rather than buy the $8million stuffing that they sell for it. Things we didn't need and were still good of course got given away. We've been really good about not creating extra garbage.
On the subject of reusing? hehehehe. I'll have to take a picture or two of what I started doing with scrap paper. Including the backs of junk mail, envelopes, box packaging (non-corrugated) and just about anything else that can be written on. Evan saves all his printed papers from school and keeps them for me. I'm using the backs of post-it notes by flipping them over and folding the page down over the sticky part. And THEN after everything's been reused it can be recycled. Except the boxes because no one around here recycles that. But I've been finding ways to reuse them till they fall apart.
Now I go back to my hunt for 6" pantiliners.