Jan 24, 2030 12:00
I love fanfiction. I spend an unseemly amount of time devoted to reading it. I'm a fan of lots of fandoms and I primarily read slash, but I've been getting into lots of new stuff recently and I'm always looking for cool new fandoms to check out.
Unfortunately, despite my love of various fandoms, I'm a terrible writer. Terrible. T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. :-/ So I seriously doubt that you'll ever read anything on this journal. I try to comment on fics when I'm particularly moved, but it doesn't happen as often as it should.
If I've added you as a friend, it is because I love your work and I want to e-stalk your writing and updates in the most efficient way possible. I usually send a message saying hi when I friend someone, but if I forget or have forgotten in your case please don't be offended.
To Readers - thanks for reading this little blurb!
To Writers - thanks for all the great work that you share with readers like me!