Okay, as HOTT as my history teacher is, I cannot stand taking AP History. It's like Ryan Junior High all over again - the pressure of catching up to other people who are abviously so much smarter than thou. Especially since Stephanie H. is in my class. Gawd, is she annoying! *rolls eyes, wants to vomit and die at thought* Anyway, I'm wondering if
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As for Battle of the Dorkiness, we should do it as only we can--a DDR battle. Tell me when you're free over Thanksgiving weekend and we'll meet up somewhere with a machine.
Bwahaha. I will so rule over you.
Do not underestimate the power that is JESSICA. (<--hmm, I need a new nickname. a COOLER one)
Hey, you got an LJ.
You do need a cool nickname. (Kawa is so cool, it is the ultimate in cool, but ya know, it's taken, hah.)
I've had an LJ for a while and restarted using it just around the time i started reading olympic!slash. heehee.
ps: see him in my icon? he's Robert van den Hoogenband, waterpolo player, the little brother to Pieter, the Best Dutch Swimmer Ever (tm), and he's the same age as Michael Phelps (a bit younger, maybe, not sure.) But isn't he so cute?
As for the nickname thinger...hmm, how do you supposed we go about doing that (finding me a nickname I mean)?
Oh, di ya hear? Mike Phelps got arrested for DUI. Har Har...I guess that's what u get for publicly crushing on Lindsay Lohan.
*laughs* I *did* hear. As a matter of fact, there's fanfiction surrounding it already.
Goodness, I'm in a crazy set, aren't I?
*laughs* "that's what u get for publically crushing on lindsay lohan" interesting way to interpret things...
As for the Lindsay Lohan thing, well...that's just my opinion, really. Har har.
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