Ok, I can't take it anymore. I thought I was getting over this, but apparently not! I don't even really know why this grrrrr!angerness has flared up again but it has, so I'm gonna deal with it like any reasonable person. By ranting!
Ok so disregarding the fact that Sam Winchester is a fictional character, who therefore cannot get punched in the face, and disregarding the fact that he's so tall I probably wouldn't be able to reach his face anyway, and disregarding the fact that he's killed demons with his brain, has beating people up skills, and has puppydog eyes of doom making punching him probably not be a good idea, disregarding all that I'm going to explain why I still want to do it.
Ok, so Sam has caused the apocalypse. He did it. He didn't mean to, but he did it. I think that that justifies getting just a little angry at him. Apparently, however, in Supernatural land causing the apocalypse is not a big deal. I mean after all when Dean sold his soul in order to bring Sam back to life Bobby tore the living crap out of him. I believe "I could throttle you!" were his exact words while he shook him and yelled in his face. And after Sam left to go cause the apocalypse with Ruby, Bobby once again rips Dean a new one for not calling him. Now, I ask you where was Bobby's righteous anger when Sam's the one who screwed up? Sam has started the end of the fricking world, and yet for some reason everyone's trying to not hurt his precious feelings instead of doing what they should be doing. Making sure he never does anything so stupid again.
Now, not only did Sam start the apocalypse, he has the gall to complain about people being mean to him because they're angry about it! Now I've already shown how people have been incredibly nice to Sam considering what he's done (well except for those hunter guys they weren't exactly nice) and yet Sam has the nerve to whine about how no one can punish him as much as he's punishing himself and how Dean need's to stop being a big baby and forgive him already. Umm, what!?!
Ok now one day I was watching the tail end of Dr. Phil and there was this chick and she was like "Wah wah, he cheated on me!" And then the husband was like "I said I'm sorry alright, get over it" And then Dr. Phil (who even if he annoys the hell out of me will always have a special place in my heart for this) bitchslapped the husband and said "listen piehole, you were an ass! You did bad stuff, you hurt her and now you're gonna have to live with it. And if she can't trust you right away well that's just too bad isn't it. You fucked up so now you don't get to dictate when you get forgiveness or trust or whatever, moron!"
Yep that's what happened, more or less! Now if only we could Sam and Dean on Dr. Phil... Or Jerry Springer... Oh man why didn't they have them on Jerry Springer in Changing Channels, that would have been awesome! But yeah, anyways, Sam needs to screw off with being selfish and demanding that he be forgiven and trusted. He doesn't have the right to do that. He should not be in the position to be demanding anything! And yet that's the whole problem isn't it? Sam is selfish and everyone, especially Dean, lets him get away with it. Sam gets what he wants and does what he wants and always has. If Sam wants all of the lucky charms he gets them. If Sam wants to run away from his family and cut them out of his life that's what he does. If Sam wants to leave Dean again and again to go chasing after Dad or the truth or whatever then that's what he does. If Sam want's to come back and continue getting Dean to coddle his ass and help him on his quest for revenge then that's what he expects will happen, and if that's not what Dean want's well that's just too bad. Because Sammy gets what Sammy wants.
Which brings me to another point. Selfish Sammy wanted to prove himself, he wanted to be the big man and save the world. Yes a big part of that was wanting to save the world, but the the most important thing, the thing that made him unwilling to compromise, that made him think that everything bad evil thing he was doing, or contemplating doing was ok was that HE wanted to save the world. Sam wanted to break away from his role of little protected brother and so he did so by hurting Dean. By telling him he was weak and by not giving him the support he needed. When Sam gets mad, when he is upset he always takes it out on Dean. If he's mad at their father, Dean gets it for being his lapdog. If Sam is upset because he can't save people he gets angry at Dean and calls him bossy and stupid. Sam needs to grow the fuck up!
Ok, now my final and probably the most important reason why I want to punch Sam is his behaviour in When The Levee Breaks. Ok what he did in that episode was just unacceptable. He punched Dean! Now I realize that Dean has punched Sam many times but not so hard that he flew across the freaking room! Not when he was crying single manly tears of man- pain! But that's not even the worst thing. They fight and Sam punches him into a mirror and throws him through a wall thing and a table! And ok I can accept that they were both angry, Dean was fighting back and things got a bit out of hand, but what I cant accept is what happened next! Dean was lying on the floor after having the crap beaten out of him, he was gasping for breath and was having difficulty breathing and so Sam decided to help him out a bit by choking him! Sam stood over him and began choking the life out of his unresisting brother until his eyes rolled back in his head. That is not ok! That was malicious and evil and fucked up and I dont think I can ever forgive him for that, particularly considering the way he has been acting since then.
Well that's that. It didn't really make me feel any better, but maybe it will later... And I don't feel any better about Sam then I did before but I'll keep trying because I really do love Sam and I miss that. I miss his laugh, and his innocence, and his puppydog eyes, and the way he has with people. I miss his bitchface, and his snarkyness, and his dimples. I miss you Sam! I want to love you again like I did before...