2 weeks ago during presentation in Malaysian Economy class, a group of guys and girls who sat behind me in lecture hall was asked by the lecturer to ask questions to the group that presented before.
One of the girls said "She's wrong because i think Malaysia imports more than exports". Ohhhh. Holy cow. Well, you see, this is the problem with youth undergrads nowadays. They dont know much about their own country's economy, really basic things and moreover, they are the Faculty of Management student. So called the coolest faculty in MMU (hahaha and i'm not proud of sitting under FOM banner). Knowing little about Malaysian economy is not cool. And they think it's hot because they're not cool.
Why being so ignorant? They care more about Erra Fazira and Paris Hilton. I'm not creating sweeping generalization about FOM/MMU girls but what i heard and experienced is a complete uttered crap about the current state of economy. And they should have thanking themselves because they took the subject.
Great weekend! Went plane spotting for the first time. It was so exciting to listen to the real blast of jet engine. Should have stayed longer. And ah oh with someone.