Sep 26, 2004 22:03
I have seen the light!!!!
MY FAVORITE BAND (Besides the Appleseed Cast, though they were only my favorite when Cobra was drumming for them) happened to be playing a show at their hometown of Dallas, TX when I happened to be there for a wedding. Somehow I got news of it and went with a guy I met two days before the show...
Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, for those who care (or don't) I have now seen..
This is their setlist
(Harp Intro)
We Sound Amazed
It's the Sun
Hold Me Now
(Trombone Intro)
Hanging Around the Day
Two Thousand Places
Suitcase Calling
One Man Show
(Drum Solo[s])
When a Fool Becomes a King
Together We're Heavy
(Flute Intro)
Soldier Girl
Light and Day
Sun Machine
They played so well for sure. Tim Delaughter (lead singer) said that it was the best show they ever played because it was their hometurf and so many people came out and yelled out the lyrics (me being one of them).
And now I am going to try to e-mail him.