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If you’re a Mac user and have been looking for the perfect program to catalog your movie collection, Delicious Library is what you’ve been looking for.
Developed by Delicious Monster, Delicious Library has been the recipient of several Apple Design awards, Innovator awards and well received by MacWorld Magazine. With several other (mostly free) cataloging programs out there, why is Delicious Library at the top of my list? Several reasons:
- The design of this program is stunning. Delicious Library’s design is based on the idea of shelves and clearly shows your movie, music and book cover art.
- It utilizes Mac technology to the max. Instead of typing in the name of your item and doing a search,Delicious Library uses your built-in iSight camera to scan the barcode. It then does a search of Amazon (or another specified site) and imports info for your item. It’s amazingly quick and 99% of my 500+ dvds scanned fine with no incorrect info coming in. Don’t have an iSight? Hooking up your digital camcorder through your firewire cable will work as well.
- It has a “checkout” shelf. For those who lend out their movies, music or books, this is a must have. It tracks what items you’ve leant to people and is perhaps the easiest way I’ve found to keep track of who has what. Delicious Library can also be synced with your iCal to display loans on your calendar.
- HTML Export. If you’re one of those people who like to publish their collections to the web, DeliciousLibrary does it for you, and gives you options of how to display your collection.
- Updated libraries. Because of demand, Delicious Library now allows you to scan things other than movies, music, games and books. If you’re a gadget freak, have a large toy collection, or like to keep track of your apparel, Delicious Library will now catalog it for you. For wine enthusiasts, they’re working on developing a “wine shelf” for you.
Delicious Library is the best $40 I’ve spent on my Apple. It’s an incredibly powerful program and a must have for collectors and those who like to be incredibly organized with their libraries.