1. I fell asleep every night dreaming, with all the colors in the world in front of my eyes.
2. Watched birds in the sky, hoped they would carry this message to someone I had not yet met.
3. The birds flew south for the winter. I stayed in bed, slept all the time, nothing happened.
4. Woke up weeks later when one day the color of the sky had changed.
5. Went swimming in the Gulf, my body floated, memory sinking to the bottom of the ocean. I got older.
6. Spring came and I thought things were about to change, nothing happened.
7. This is not a love song. I can still remember the first day we met.
8. Just get out of bed, remember there are nice things, the people at the coffee place know your name, today may be the day, it wasn't.
9. Guess I'm waiting, guess I don't know anymore, guess I'll tell you I'm not impressed by any of this, and of you, ad I'm looking for a way to show the world what it's missing.
10. Took some drugs, came up with all these brilliant plans, would change everything, this is starting over, woke up the next morning more alone, nothing happened.