BTW i stole this from BRYANNA

Jul 05, 2005 21:40


Do you bite your nails: yes
Can you roll your tongue: hmmm i dunno
Can you blow smoke rings: i did it once. lol
Can you blow spit bubbles: no
Can you cross your eyes: only one eye goes crossed the other stays straight
Tattoos and where: nonee
Do you make your bed daily: no my mommy does =)
What's sexiest on a guy: eyes and body
What's sexiest on a girl: hmmmMm their eyes
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl how the fuck do you cut it?
what utensils do you use eating pizza: fork and knife


How often do you brush your teeth: once or twice depends on how busy i am
Do you shower/bathe: shower
How long do these showers last: 20 minutes
Hair drying method: blowdry or airdry
Do you pee in the shower: fuck yes
What color is your bedroom: lime green and bright purple
Do you use an alarm clock: no my mom is my alarm clock
Name four things or people you're obsessed with: Music, myspace, T2T, and mirrors
What's your sleeping position: on my side with a pillow between my legs
What kind of bed do you like: fullsize or bigger
In hot weather do you use a blanket: yes, but a thin one
Do you sleepwalk: no
Do you talk in your sleep: no.
How about the light on: all the time. i have to have a nightlight
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: radio


Had sex: june 22
Watched bambi: when i was like 5
Cried: yesterday night
Talked on the phone: last night
Read a book: two days ago


Is music important to you: chyes
Do you sing: yes but badly
What instruments do you play: none
What do you think of Eminem: he is a good rapper and very good looking
In your opinion what band is the best of all time: hmm no idea.

Pop music: Yes
Punk music: yar
Rap music: yes
Hip-hop/RB: Yes
Country: yayayaa
Jazz: nope
Classical: nope
New age: Yes
Hardcore: Yes
Indie rock: what does this mean?
Emo: Yes


What do you notice first?: smile and hair
Do you have a crush on anyone?: Yes
Who is the easiest to talk to?: Bryanna&&thats about it


Could you live without the computer?: No
What's your favorite fruit?: watermelon
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: Emotional


Of times you have had your heart broken?: twice
Of hearts you have broken?: whatever
Of girls kissed?: none weirdo
Of boys kissed?: 7
Who? Eddy, Joe, Martin, Keith, Jose, Anthony && Giggey
Of drugs taken illegally?: 2
Of close friends?: one
Who?: January
Of CD's owned: alot
Of scars on my body?: alot


I know: who my mom is.
I want: tony
I have: a guinea pig
I wish: I could go to a guys house
I hate: people
I miss: giggey && tony
I fear: heights
I hear: me typing
I love: sex
I ache: in my heart
I care: way too much
I always: cry
I dance: like a crazy wooman
I cry: all the damn time
I write: alot
I confuse: niggers
I can usually be found: at my house
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: nope but i will soon

-ARE YOU A...-

Wuss: i can be
Druggie: never
Daydreamer: chyes
Alcoholic: nope
Freak: yeah in bed
Brat: can be
Sarcastic: yes
Goody-goody: fuck no
Angel: no way
Devil: yah except stfu
Friend: yes
Shy: around certain people
Adventurous: chyes
Intelligent: can be


Your best feature [personality]: my eyes
Most annoying thing you do: i'm relly clingy
Biggest mistake you've made this far: dated fucken losers
Describe your personality in one word: fucken psycho lol
A smell that makes you smile: the smell of sex
A city you'd like to visit: NY
A drink you order most often: coke
The music you prefer while alone: Anything soft and heart touching
A TV show you watch regularly: Rachel Rays Thirty Minute Meals

The end.
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