Goodbye Melanie Calamita ;D

Sep 27, 2006 16:16

I think the best things happen when I'm sick. It's like I finally see people as they truly are. Like, okay, for a while, I've been hating Melanie's guts. And I felt bad about it since I said we'd be friends no matter what and all that shit... but shit changes when I see her for what she truly is. A fucking bitch who serves no purpose on this planet except to whine. Oh, was that harsh? Because that's isn't even half of what I think about her. I felt bad when I put her ugly fat ass on a lower number on my Top Whatever, and then she put me as an even lower number. So basically, we were friends for nothing, just waiting for one person to do something so we can show our unadulterated loathing of eachother. God Lord, I hate that bitch. I spent so much time trying to consel her and make her feel better because she always came whining to me about some punk ass boy making her ass feel bad... while deep inside I kept thinking "This boy had every right to do as he pleased." But whatever. I always kept trying to be her friend because I guess I felt sorry for her stupid ass behind, but now I don't. If she's gonna be a bitch to me because she finds it so funny, she can shove her ugly ass face into her ugly ass and fuck herself til she bleeds for all I care. And you know, I am a hypocrite. I've had this revolting feeling about her for a long time, but since I always try to be people's friends, I held it in. But I ain't doing that shit no more. Now when I hate someone, I'll just say it to their fucking faces and be through with them. I don't need no more drama in my life, and I especially do not need some fucking hoe calling me a bitch just because I tell it like it is. So Mel, SEE YA! I hope you'll be able to afford all 500 kids you'll be having by different fathers cuz not one of them will want to stay with your whore ass, bitch! And if any of you show this to her, God bless you. Cuz I couldn't care less what she thinks of me, cuz at least I don't have fake friends that only act nice because of pity. LOL, if she knew what people really thought of her, she'd cry for real instead of crying like a lil pussy cuz some guy doesn't like her. I mean, really, how many times has she gotten angry at people, and people just said sorry to be through with her shit? But I ain't playing that game no more. I have no love for her, and if she ever tries to talk to me again I will beat her face in. Maybe then she'll finally look HUMAN. ;D She dared call me a bitch when I was one of the few people capable of putting up with her shit. And she tried that shit before, and I let it slide, but no more. She talks smack about me again, bro, I'mma fucking smack her.

This was one of the offenses I kept on private:
StrangeChick04: i hate guys!
FornicatedxFetus: SAME
StrangeChick04: he's just like Dany!
StrangeChick04: just like him!
FornicatedxFetus: =(
StrangeChick04: what a jerk!
FornicatedxFetus: what happenedddd?
StrangeChick04: same ezact shit that happen last time
StrangeChick04: he wanted something from me
FornicatedxFetus: what did he want?
FornicatedxFetus: Mel
FornicatedxFetus: you need to get your sexy on
StrangeChick04: hmm?
StrangeChick04: but i'm not sezi
FornicatedxFetus: yes you are!
StrangeChick04: so like it doesnt matter
StrangeChick04: in your eyes
FornicatedxFetus: you're such a pretty girl
FornicatedxFetus: noooo
FornicatedxFetus: okay, ill be honest
StrangeChick04: your my bff
StrangeChick04: your suppose to say that
FornicatedxFetus: you arent angelina jolie hott
FornicatedxFetus: but in the end, guys dont want sluts
StrangeChick04: hell yeah
FornicatedxFetus: they want sweet cute girls
StrangeChick04: lol
FornicatedxFetus: at least the good ones do
StrangeChick04: not true
StrangeChick04: they want hard core sluts
FornicatedxFetus: PFFFT
FornicatedxFetus: only losers do
StrangeChick04: girls that will give it up with a snap
StrangeChick04: girls like me
StrangeChick04: stick to best friend spot
FornicatedxFetus: you are not a slutttt
FornicatedxFetus: those guys arent worth it
FornicatedxFetus: they arent mature
StrangeChick04: because the guys dont want to hurt them they just use them and in the end they wined up hurting them
StrangeChick04: but they are the ones with that are worth while
StrangeChick04: *wild
FornicatedxFetus: nuh uhhhhh
FornicatedxFetus: can you really say danny was worthwhile?
StrangeChick04: yeah
FornicatedxFetus: then my friend
FornicatedxFetus: you are massochistic
StrangeChick04: everything was fun
StrangeChick04: there were probably only like 2 regrets
StrangeChick04: i had with him
StrangeChick04: then there was Marc
StrangeChick04: and Steven
FornicatedxFetus: yeah
FornicatedxFetus: well
FornicatedxFetus: you like idiots
FornicatedxFetus: sorry.
FornicatedxFetus: lol
StrangeChick04: so do you
StrangeChick04: one date
StrangeChick04: makeout
StrangeChick04: and then he dumps you
StrangeChick04: he got what he wanted
FornicatedxFetus: that's not what he wanted
FornicatedxFetus: and don't bring that shit up, cuz i wasn't being used
StrangeChick04: well your ragging on me
FornicatedxFetus: im not ragging
StrangeChick04: saying that i'm a massocrite
StrangeChick04: or whatever lol
FornicatedxFetus: ragging would be calling YOU an idiot for liking IDIOTS
StrangeChick04: which you did!
StrangeChick04: not in the same sentence
FornicatedxFetus: do you even know what a fucking massochist are?
FornicatedxFetus: idiota
StrangeChick04: but you did
StrangeChick04: no!
StrangeChick04: lol
StrangeChick04: see!
FornicatedxFetus: a massochist is a person who likes to be tormented
StrangeChick04: but i know it's not good
StrangeChick04: that is not true
StrangeChick04: because i wasn't tormented b4
StrangeChick04: just stressed
StrangeChick04: because i wanted everyone to be happy
FornicatedxFetus: mmhm..
StrangeChick04: till the point that i wasn't happy
FornicatedxFetus: you know what...
StrangeChick04: and i wanted to do things for me
StrangeChick04: and that didnt turn out so good
StrangeChick04: so i gave up on that
FornicatedxFetus: dont complain to me about things... when you know ill be logical on situations
StrangeChick04: and now
StrangeChick04: i dont care
StrangeChick04: so your saying i was tormenteD?
FornicatedxFetus: i say you're stupid.
StrangeChick04: whatever

She's a fucking bitch. She'll make you feel like shit then laugh in your face. And first off all, she was coming to me for help, so she had no reason to get into my business. Second of all, she was telling me how much she hate guys. Then she gets pissed off when I tell her that there are good guys out there, just not the ones she's liked. I was trying to make her feel better, but then she has to get all bitchy and acts like I'm the one with the issue. All she cares about is herself and her feelings.

Then today:

bestestest sn: Mellee!
bestestest sn: StrangeChick04: not normal
bestestest sn: what isnt?
StrangeChick04: <3
bestestest sn: i feel horrible =(
StrangeChick04: why?
bestestest sn: i'm sick
bestestest sn: lol
StrangeChick04: oh
StrangeChick04: you didn't come today?
bestestest sn: or yesterday.
bestestest sn: it's great that you notice me, really.
StrangeChick04: i saw you yesterday!
StrangeChick04: didn't i?
StrangeChick04: or was it a girl that looked like you...
StrangeChick04: i noticed you didn't come in the morning
StrangeChick04: but i thought you were running late
StrangeChick04: because i don't see you at lunch nor break
StrangeChick04: so you can't really blame me
bestestest sn: yes i can
bestestest sn: lol
bestestest sn: everyone else knew i was sick and called me to make sure i was okay
StrangeChick04: well
StrangeChick04: you didn't give me your number
StrangeChick04: you asked for mine
StrangeChick04: and never called
StrangeChick04: so
StrangeChick04: you still can't blame me
bestestest sn: you have my house phone
bestestest sn: lol
bestestest sn: you just hate being blamed when you know you could have been nice
bestestest sn: =P
StrangeChick04: no
StrangeChick04: i don't have your house
bestestest sn: mmhmm
StrangeChick04: i don't
bestestest sn: it's the same one as before
bestestest sn: lol
bestestest sn: and you've called my house before
StrangeChick04: new phone
StrangeChick04: new phone book
bestestest sn: LOL, well, you never asked for my phonenumber
bestestest sn: so you're still to blame
StrangeChick04: because
bestestest sn: lol
StrangeChick04: you never pick up
StrangeChick04: plus your a bitch online
StrangeChick04: imagine on the phone
StrangeChick04: lol
StrangeChick04: i'm scared
bestestest sn: you know what mellee
bestestest sn: im really sick of you
bestestest sn: like, seriously
StrangeChick04: lol
StrangeChick04: hope you feel better
bestestest sn: you think you're such a sweet girl
bestestest sn: you're not
StrangeChick04: ^^
bestestest sn: you are the queen of uberbitchdom
StrangeChick04: finally!
bestestest sn: no, you always have been
bestestest sn: and really
bestestest sn: ask any of your friends
bestestest sn: you get pissed off at baby shit
StrangeChick04: and so do you
bestestest sn: but if you completely diss people out
StrangeChick04: the only one i diss is you
bestestest sn: you get all "ay, she has to apologize"
StrangeChick04: because
StrangeChick04: all you do is bitch
StrangeChick04: and make fun of me
bestestest sn: don't start that shit.
StrangeChick04: you started it
StrangeChick04: i'm just acting like you do
bestestest sn: bro, you are so full of shit, it's not even funny anymore
StrangeChick04: and you get pissed
StrangeChick04: oh yeah i'm full of shit
StrangeChick04: haha
StrangeChick04: ok
StrangeChick04: if you don't like me
StrangeChick04: then why still talk to me?
bestestest sn: i was about to say the same to you
StrangeChick04: then why do you borther with me?
bestestest sn: you hypocriticial little bitch
StrangeChick04 signed off at 4:11:19 PM.

None of my friends has ever said I was a bitch. Why? Because I'm not. I'm honest with them, and I'm honest with her. She just can't take the truth. And she gets all defensive when all I did was tell her "it's great that you notice me, really." Yesterday she was talking smack about my Pikachu outfit, but again, I let it slide. Not anymore. Fuck her. I ain't got time for some little piece of shit dramaqueen who wants to play Mean Girl but she's too fucking ugly to! And ya'll may say I'm being mean, but this isn't even close to what I think about her.

So, again. See ya, Mellee! I hope you choke on you shit-filled mouth, you little FAT-ASS bitch!
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