(no subject)

Dec 07, 2004 17:48

i got back from DC yesterday. i left friday morning. i went with my confirmation class, and i met other confirmation class around the country. i met cool people from colorado,ny, nj, cali..it was cool. friday night we had shabbat services and scoped out cute boys. there were some..1 from my confirmation class. RAC (religious action center of reform judaism) was in charge of the programs there. there were like 5 people who had different topics to talk about.there were 2 VERY hot guys in RAC..they were prob 22 -25 or something, not sure.josh and eric..u could so tell through joshs pants that he had a big package. lol. sat we lobbied, did the prgrams then went to georgetown. saw a really cute guy he called out to me, but i couldnt go cuz we were leaving, we also went to the holocaust memorial which was so distubring, u saw EVERYTHING, its scary, definately the worst tragedy in the world. then sunday we did the lobbying, went to the mall which is a field surrounded by museums and the capital, then we wrote our speeches for the senetors. daena justin and i wrote about reproductive rights, aka abortion. we presented the topics on monday to grahm and nelsons and roslattans assistents, and then met ileana ros-lattan on the steps of the capital, my feet hurt so much from walking. wehn steph and i were having a quick bite in the cafeteria some guy was staring at me. like he was 35..just staring he walked away and continued staring. it was so creepy it was gross.steph kept laughing and so was i, but EW. and when we were walking away to go to our next presentaion some guy coughs really loudly, a couple times and i turned around and he looked at me and was like t o his friend, she looked! he was so cute, but w.e. so we were leaving to the bus and i saw eric and josh for the last time. so hot. got on the bus said goodbye to the cute guy from colorado then went on the plane. i learned so much this weekend. didnt do any hw tho. i made friends too. i got the camp bluestar video. it sucked. i was on it for a millasecond. g2 study for chem..

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