is this because i might be going to the used w/ e??if you were supposed to go w/ him then you can go.i seriously have like a million things to do this weekend and you could go together and scratch eric?or all three?i don't this about me?i feel bad.i had no idea.
that is,indeed,if what you're talking about is the used in the first place.
nooo, man. i till think im going to the used... but i really have no for sure idea, either way i have a devil costume party togo to... i was jut like hmm thats shitty. i've been wanting / planning on going to the ued for like a month... but it doent matta. we can still hang... and get all crazy.
nooo, man. i still think im going to the used... but i really have no for sure idea, either way i have a other shit to go to... i was just like hmm thats shitty. i've been wanting / planning on going to the ued for like a month... but it doent matta. we can still hang... and get all crazy.
Comments 8
that is,indeed,if what you're talking about is the used in the first place.
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