Jul 29, 2009 22:35
After what was probably the weirdest, sickest nights sleep ever, that I am feeling a lot better.
Last night freaked me out loads, I felt so 'stoned' for want of a better word. I felt dizzy, like I was floating, kept losing my balance and had the worst headache ever. I went to sleep, thinking this was the best thing for me to do in this situation (unless it got worse). All through the night I kept waking up in this weird, floaty state and my body itched all over like an army of ants were marching over me.
I woke up feeling pukey again with a headache and temperature again. Took myself out with the dog, thinking fresh air would be good for me and sort of swayed through the walk (dangerous when walking down the canal!). Came back and felt like passing out, went out again to collect my prescription (thank you god for Gyno-Daktarin!) and then slept until 5pm.
After some soup for tea (Beef Broth, very nice), had a bath, sulked about how shit I felt, had a lie down and now actually I feel better. Not like 100%, but sooooo much better :) Sugars seem to have stablised at 20mmol, still high but better than 32!!