Jun 14, 2006 22:50

This is just about some common questions people ask. This'll cover lj-cuts, posting pics, using icons, ect ect.

1. Q. What is a lj-cut?
A. A lj-cut is used to hide pictures or long post so the page of a community/journal is not crowded or stretched.

2. Q. How do I do a lj-cut?
A.blah blah blah

3. Q. How do I post a link to my lj journal or community like this:secretly__dying?

4. Q. How do I post a link to a page or picture without showing the entire address?
A. What you want to call it here

5. Q. How do I make a picture link to another page?
A. Same as above but you just put the link to the picture where you would write its name.

6. Q. How do I make those little boxes above?
7. Q. Where can I find free image hosting?
A. The places I know of are: PhotoBucket Imageshack and Supload I personally like photobucket best because it is very easy to oraganize your pics. I think imageshack is the fastest to use though. If anyone knows of any other places do tell.

8. Q. How do I post a picture?
A. First upload the picture to one of the above sites. Then you just paste the code that looks like this. Or you can use the first code under Thumbnail to show a smaller pic that links to the full sized pic.

9. Q. How do I use icons?
A. At the top of this page there is a bar thats says Journal, Manage, Search ect. Go to Manage and it will say info, friends, user pictures. Go to user pics and at the bottom it says browse. Click on that and find your icon. Then put in a keyword (doesn't matter what). In comments put the name of the person who made the icon so they get credit for it.

10. Q. Why and how should I credit people?
A. You should give people credit simply because it is a nice thing to do. People put a lot of work into these things. To credit someone you just put the code from Q. 3 in the comments line. Should look like this. Make sure you do it in comments and not keywords. When you click on someones icon from their user info page it will show this
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