Mar 23, 2010 21:45
Voice lessons and the studio sessions have been going really well. My voice coach has really opened doors for me and has granted me a new appreciation of music. Robbie (producer) has really pushed me to my limits and done something really good to me and forced me to destroy the songs we have as we know them and rebuild them from the ground up into something wonderful. I don't think we would be experiencing such growth if we hadn't chosen to start recording.
Mike (voice coach) has showed me alot of the stuff I've done wrong with my voice and I realize know that the songs and the way the melodies are structured only encourage those bad habits of mine. So it only makes sense to re-format them in the best way possible instead of trying to force a square into a circle. Nigel has been really supportive and I am glad we've been through this together all along. On March 27, 2010 we will have officially been in a band together for one full year.
I look back at the early versions of our songs and realize we've come a long way, but we have a long way to go. We are putting recording on hold while we adjust the songs to be the best they could possibly be. The end product I am hoping is something that isn't emulating 1990s rock or successful alternative rock bands----I need to pay attention to our stregnths and weaknesses and what makes us unique.
The rewrite of I'm So High as of right now is less repetitive. Poor Seed is becoming more melodic and darker, meanwhile providing more imagery.
The one person who keeps me sane is Oz. If I feel like I had a shitty day at the studio or in general he picks me up when I fall to pieces and I don't think I could have improved and sought to better myself in the ways that I have done without his help or encouragement. His cousin Albert is a constant help to me always as well and I never imagined he would become a best friend of mine.
Life is full of pleasant surprises. Even in the most stressful moments there is that one oppurtunity to breath and when you allow yourself to breathe you will see the beauty in all the complexity and realize its just bits and pieces of a wonderful mosaic.
I wish love and good luck to all of you in your lives.
Seek the path that leads to happiness.
Love your friend,