
Apr 24, 2009 01:55

Title: Differences
Author: katanaxmistress
Pairing: KakaSaku, NaruHina
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fluff?
Word Count: 1525
Disclaimer: Do not own NARUTO. Kishimoto does.
Summary: "But- that's just love, right? I don't get it, Sakura-chan. Is it any different than being in love?!"
Author's Notes: BETA'D BY THE WONDERFUL, LOVELY otaku_revey. Everyone praise her, she's just so awesome ;-; ♥ Thanks for helping me with it~ ^__^

"I don't get it. What's the difference?"

Sakura didn't know if Naruto was being obnoxious, or if he was serious. Taking a look at her sparring partner for the day, the pink-haired kunoichi concluded that he wasn't joking around with the question. She sighed, plopping down next to the sun-kissed ninja as she began to pull the grass out from around her.

"I... don't really know myself. You just kind of know, Naruto." She shifted, laying herself on her side to face her teammate- and regretted doing so, because he had one of those pouts splayed across his features. "Maa. Fine. Let me think." Her eyebrows furrowed, her hand lazily curling through the sheared rosette locks. Honestly, how was she supposed to explain the situation to him? It wasn't a hard concept, love.

Sakura went back to her position on her back, stretching her arms above her to reach for the clouds. "Do you love Hinata?" She murmured the question as she attempted to grab for a lazy looking cloud.

"Of course I do! I tell her I love her every day!"

She grinned, hearing the obvious flighty happiness and genuine affection in his tone. "Now, what about me? Do you love me, Naruto?" Fingers went back to cross over her abdomen, gripping the thin material as she sighed. The medic could hear the hesitance, and she smiled.

"You love me as a friend, right?" She couldn't help but laugh at the flustered nod he gave her. "So, what's so different if it uses the same word?" Teasing him lightly as she snaked an elbow to nudge him in the ribs.

Naruto on the other hand, was too busy concentrating on how it differed. Swatting her hand away, the blond shinobi spoke slowly, as if afraid to be wrong. Sometimes he wondered why Sakura put him through the torture of using his brain for such complicated things. "You're like a sister to me. I mean, when we were younger I had a crush on you, but- but it didn't work out. You could pummel me to the ground, even and-- what kind of boyfriend would that be, getting the shi- OW. Sakura-channn." The pout was there again as Sakura pulled away her foot from his shin.

"Serves you right."

"Ne, not every guy is going to be like Kakashi-sensei and like being shoved to the ground like tha-" His sentence stopped with a silent yelp of pain, courtesy of foot meeting shin much more forcefully this time around. The pout remained as he rubbed the bruised limb, catching the heated cheeks of the teammate next to him.

"Just tell me, baka. What's the difference between your love for me and love for Hinata?"

"Well... Everything. I mean, I love everything about her! It's perfect. It doesn't matter that her family can be assholes, or that she's a little too shy for her own good. I don't care about that... Actually, I think them accepting me is the hard part. Heh." He scratched the back of his head at the after thought, remembering the time when he had come over to meet the Hyuuga family formally. It hadn't gone as smoothly as it could have, but it didn't go too badly either. Apparently, his feats against Pein from years past changed the whole village's perspective on the 'kyuubi-container'.

Sakura nodded, placing her arms behind her head, eyes still glued onto the expanse of blue above her. "See, that's what happens when you truly love someone. You accept them for who they are, what they've done, why they're here." She stretched, content that they got that out of the way. She figured Kakashi would show up any minute now, to resume their training itinerary.

"But- that's just love, right? I don't get it, Sakura-chan. Is it any different than being in love?!"

The pink-haired medic sighed, hearing the rustle of fabric as Naruto jumped up, restless.

"I don't know, Naruto. I'm sticking by what I said, though. It's just a realization that you get."

She closed her eyes, fingers coming around to pinch the bridge of her nose. She could feel the whine that was about to burst from the energetic male next to her. "Really, it's just the concept. When you're in love, it becomes apparent to yourself. When you love someone, it's apparent to those around you." She didn't know how else to explain it.

"Saa... Why is it so complicated?"

"What's complicated, now?"

Sakura opened her eyes and sat up, giving a smile to the ever late jounin. The copy-nin gave them one of his infamous eye-creases in return, right hand raised in greeting. "Yo."

"Kakashi-sensei we were talking about-"

"I'm not your teacher anymore, Naruto." he interrupted the blond, but was waved off immediately.

"I know that. But anyway, Kakashi-sensei, we were talking about the difference of loving someone and being in love with someone, and Sakura was trying to explain and give me examples and I don't know but I just can't grasp it, it's too hard, you know?"

"Oh? Such an ageless question being asked. The answer's here, by the way." Naruto jumped up, asking where it was- while Kakashi pulled out his copy of Icha-Icha. Sakura rolled her eyes as Naruto fell to the ground.

"How the hell is the answer in your porn?!"

Kakashi paused, giving Naruto a condescending look. Sakura raised an eyebrow at this, standing up and brushing her backside in the process.

"This novel, Naruto, tells you about love. Here, it says that Juunichi is in love with the lovely Rimiko, but Rimiko is just with him because she loves the sex. Their actions are quite different when they're around each other. Juunichi displays affection and passion whenever she's around, where she tends to display it while pressed on vertical surfaces."

"... I don't get it."

Kakashi smiled at the scoff a certain pink-haired kunoichi gave, and turned to her as he patted Naruto on the shoulder.

"Just think of it like this," He had an amused look in his visible eye as he matched his gaze with Sakura's, and she raised an eyebrow curiously. "If you need to spend every minute of the day with a person, need to see them and constantly need to tell them that you love them," he paused, cocking his head. ".. I suggest you go see a psychiatrist. It's unhealthy to actually need someone in that way."

Sakura rolled her eyes once more as Naruto groaned in exasperation.

"Damnit, Kakashi-se-"

"Aa, let me finish." He gave a stern look to the two of them, though it passed quickly. Sakura couldn't tell exactly what it was, but it kept her eyes locked onto his, anyway.

"If you want to spend time with a person, want to get to know them, that's the beginning of love." Sakura noticed that his smile this time around didn't exactly reach his eyes, though they sparked with something different all together. She noted absently that she didn't like the fact that he had never shown her this smile before. "If they start accepting you, and begin to see your flaws in a new light and can't wait to see you again," he paused again, cocking his head. For some reason, Sakura had a feeling he was smirking behind that mask of his. "It's considered being in love."

"I think I get it." Naruto blinked a few times before his eyebrowss furrowed, nodding his head once. Sakura, however just had a hard time swallowing. All she could do was give him a questioning look, cursing inwardly how he could seem so at ease saying something as if he believed in it.

"... At least that's what it says in here," Again, the book was brought up for view, the silver-haired shinobi happily opening it in the process.

"Aw, Kakashi-sensei, you just got it out of the book?"

"I don't have to tell you my take on love, now do I? This one is perfectly adequate anyway."

"Then how am I supposed to know if I just love Hinata, or if I'm in love with her?!"

"It's semantics, Naruto. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"What do you mean semantics?! I just want an answer!"

Sakura was quiet as she watched the light-hearted exchange. She looked to Naruto as she spoke, but aimed it at the older of the two. "It just means you have to find your own meaning for it. People are liable to interpret it in a different way than other's do- it's not set in stone, in other words."

"Exactly." The book snapped shut as he maneuvered away from grasping hands. "So. Taijutsu today, Naruto?" Though the question was meant for the blond, his eyes lingered on Sakura's. He gave her the smile that he had used from before, that damned indiscernible one, and.. she smiled back, noticing how her heart fluttered. She walked beside Naruto as they continued to a different training ground, wondering if it was possible to be in love with someone for the creases next to their eyes and a certain tilt their mask made when they smiled.

pairing: naruhina, !nonau, !drabble, pairing: kakasaku, !het, animanga: naruto

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