Laying out Rudder Ribs

Mar 28, 2005 01:10

Well I made up my mind that I'm going to be using my journal for awhile to keep track of progress and and get some photo's up of my plane building. It's an Evan's Volksplane VP-1. Enjoy..

Today work began on laying out the patterns for the rudder ribs, everything appears to be well with them and hope fully tomorrow I can get them all routered out. Hope I have a 2" hole saw somewhere...

Ich versuche mein bestes zu in deutsch, für mein leser in Deutschland.. hetue Ich erhalten die rudder ribs gesetzt in bleisitft on die 1/4" furnierholz. Ich hoffnung zu eralten sie schnitt morgen.

Well Yahoo photo won't let me directly link the image so here is the link

Rudder Ribs Drawn
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