May 22, 2006 14:25
"Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. All of our self-talk, our internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You're using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You're affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought.
Your beliefs are merely habitual thinking patterns that you learned as a child. Many of them work very well for you. Other beliefs may be limiting your ability to creat the very things you say you want. What you want and what you believe you deserve may be very different. You need to pay attention to your thoughts so that you can begin to eliminate the ones creating the experiences you do not want in your life.
Please realize that every complaint is an affirmation of something you think you don't want in your life. Every time you get angry, you're affirming that you want more anger in your life. Every time you feel like a victim, you're affirming that you want to continue to feel like a victim. If you feel that Life isn't giving you what you want in your world, then it's certain that you will never have the goodies that Life gives to others - that is, untill you change the way you think and talk.
You're not a bad person for thinking the way you do. You've just never learned how to think and talk. People throughout the world are just now beginning to learn that our thoughts create our experiences. Your parents probably didn't know this, so they couldn't possibly teach it to you. They taught you how to look at life in the way that their paretns taught them. So nobody is wrong. However, it's time for all of us to wake up and begin to consciously creat our lives in a way that pleases and supports us. You can do it. I can do it. We all can do it - we just need to learn how."
From I Can Do It - How to Use Affirmations to Change your Life" by Louise L. Hay.
I realize some people think this is all a bunch of embarassing crap and possibly think that I should feel more than strangely for talking about it. But the thing is, you're reading my journal so I'm not pushing it on you, you are choosing to read my words, so choose not to if you want. I'm not embarassed to share this part of the book because I agree with somethings here....obviously some parts of the life game I've been playing haven't been working, or working as well as they could. I was looking for more tools to help with it when I came across the book. I've seen a positive change and even seen changes in other people around me. It's helped with the pity party that I sometimes have and has helped me with my Dad more than I can imagine.