In true miss lola fashion:

May 25, 2005 11:04

+ being on time for work
+ seeing a litter of baby foxes driving to work this morning
+ having $20 left to my name before payday this week
+ Sergio Mora winning The Contender
+ Alfonso Gomez betting Jesse Brinkley on The Contender
+ The Contender being over so I can stop watching TV
+ Pannie dancing to Journey, The Killers and Bad 80’s pop this morning
+ The Queen is in town
+ Courtney coming for wings tonight and then having a sleep over

- working on a Wednesday
- only having $20 left to my name
-The Contender being over
- Being on time for work but didn’t get to stop for Tim Horton’s this morning
- The Queen is going to cause traffic hell on the way home
- coffee breath

Bits that are neither here nor there:
O Lucy is matted, I now have to spend quality time brushing her belly
O I need a camera so I can take pictures of cute things like Lucy and the little baby foxes and sunsets behind the mountains
O I’ve decided I’m going to get 100% on my exam in June because really…why not…I’m smart enough
O I’ve decided that really….I can do whatever I want because I’m smart
O I’ve decided that like KristieB, I fucking love Alberta.
Things I love about living here:
-waking up to the Rocky Mountains every morning
- being able to see baby foxes on my way to work
- the northern lights
- getting whiplash for every white crewcab truck that drives by me because generally they are filled with hot rig workers
- I like that young men are given the chance to make a lot of money if they want by working on the rigs, a lot of places don’t have that option.
- knowing what “no till” means
- gravel roads
- yellow canola fields
- the smell of alfalfa being cut
- driving by farmers at 8am and knowing they’ve been up for hours already
- Small towns, Saan Stores, local bakeries, coffee shops and seniors drop-in centres
- farm plates and purple gas
- birch trees
- moose eating branches on the sides of roads

I think that diversity is Albertas strongest point. Not only do we have some rural ways but we are cutting edge in alot of manners..Business, technology. excited about living here. If you're not...move to Saskatchewan or Vancouver.

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