[He leans against the nearest available suitable surface. He's happy to help her, always, but there is a slight knot of caution in his gut over what she might be asking him for.]
[She suspects his reluctance. She's asking anyway.]
I spoke with the pirate this afternoon. [And she knows he did too, she's a creeper like that.] He's much to attached to the creatures to approach about the acquisition of a mermaid.
[He nods, remembering his own conversation with Ace.] He did say some negative things about the nobles in his world liking to keep them in tanks.
[It wasn't like the idea hadn't occurred to him already. He was just always scaling down, thinking about size and parts, how easy things would be to move quietly. But there'd been that woman, months ago, that had one in a large tank, and Kelly had never seen the like before. But again, that one had seemed more friendly than the sirens Kelly was used to reading and hearing about.]
The ones here aren't like our mermaids, apparently. There wouldn't be any danger in trying to keep one. I don't know if that would effect their worth, though. [If they weren't prone to drowning and eating men, could their various parts even be used the same way anymore? He hadn't even thought to ask if they still sang.]
[She folds her hands behind her back quietly, staring up at him.]
But I'd like to ask your help in a venture.
Sure. What venture would that be?
I spoke with the pirate this afternoon. [And she knows he did too, she's a creeper like that.] He's much to attached to the creatures to approach about the acquisition of a mermaid.
[It wasn't like the idea hadn't occurred to him already. He was just always scaling down, thinking about size and parts, how easy things would be to move quietly. But there'd been that woman, months ago, that had one in a large tank, and Kelly had never seen the like before. But again, that one had seemed more friendly than the sirens Kelly was used to reading and hearing about.]
The ones here aren't like our mermaids, apparently. There wouldn't be any danger in trying to keep one. I don't know if that would effect their worth, though. [If they weren't prone to drowning and eating men, could their various parts even be used the same way anymore? He hadn't even thought to ask if they still sang.]
I cannot go out into the water to examine them.
[She shrugs. She would decide the worth once she had one at her fingertips. Perhaps it would make a nice snack for the doom wolf.]
I don't know how far out they are. And it's been a long time since I dealt with anything bigger than a rowboat.
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