Feb 08, 2004 21:07
omg ch'all, i m ritin' dis frum backstage @ da XTINA awards (sum of y'all be callin it da grammys or whuteva). YO YALL, I WON DAT SHIT UP!! who wunna graduate me? no... wait... CONgraduate me! Da's it! see, i tol' yall "BEAUTIFUL" was gon' win. an dam yall didja see mah purformince? all dems black peepz bhind me! i lookt like a f'rill NEGRO up in dat piece!
i coul' not BELEE bitch-@$$ amy Lee won best new artist tho... Do dat trick even kno i won dat shit b4? gahhdamn, why she keep playin on mah style! u a poser amy lee... stop trynna B me, da beautiful XTINA! you AINT beautiful no matta wut da grammys say!!1!1!!
u kno they hadda cut 2 a commershil rite afta trickass Amy lee won her shit cuz i stoood up on mah seat n' started yellin shit @ her. I WAS BOUT 2 WILE OUT YALL!! i got halfway down da isle n' sum securety guardz needed 2 hol' mah ass back! FIGHT-ER!! omg ch'all, u shulda SEEN dat trixx's face!! LoLz!!1! itz a good thing i didnt end up fightin dat bitch tho cuz i 4got 2 take off mah bling n' i left mah jar of vaseline at home so u kn0... it culdn't be no street fight like we roll in da BRONX, whut!
yo ch'all, leeve me sum GRADULATSION up in dis peace othawise u is SO off mah friends list. holla mah dirrt-ettes!