(no subject)

Jan 10, 2004 14:28

Ya see when I don't do a full update for a while, so much happens, I forget shit, and my posts have big holes in them, but I'll do my best to squeeze everything into a lil' nutshell :D
Since New Years all I have really done is worked gone to the gym several times i'm trying to keep my exercise up even though I am pregnant, I still need to stay healthy, that's me, health freak Lindz :P.

There is soooo much other stuff going on in my life right now it's crazy, I can't possibly discuss it here, but it definitely takes over my time on the internet right now, don't expect me on for a while. Some people feel the need to read my journal and run there big mouths around to my family I find it hilarious that just because I decide to keep my personal life with Ryan AWAY from my journal people start making up stories that we are breaking up and shit My personal life is just that, personal, and the last thing I am gonna do is gush about it on my journal, it doesn't belong here!!, I only tell a selected few my business on the internet, end of story.
So to my family who read this me and Ryan are perfectly happy, I couldn't even possibly dream of having a more amazing man. <3

Today I am working 3-7 only a few hours which is good since I wasn't suppose to be working today anyway but the other receptionist went home sick, after that me and Ryan are gonna chill for the rest of the night, maybe watch a movie, Anyway, I have to jet to work, PEACE. <3
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