craftier than my professor

Dec 18, 2006 19:48

Yes. Yes I am. I just got a research paper back that I wrote on crack/cocaine that concluded with a quote by Snoop Dogg, and which I titled "Crack is Whack," and still managed to get an A. Are professors so jaded by the youth of today that they'll give an A to any old paper?! I should have a goddamn phD in bullshit because, well, look at my track record. The only professor around here who seems to not fuck around is Pyle. Not that I'm his hugest fan, I like the guy but good lord is he self righteous, but he'll look at a paper and be like, are you fucking kidding me? You're wasting my damn time. *sigh* Higher standards in education are shot. I feel like I should never get an A on something unless it is damn near publishable material. Oh well. It was kinda fun to write. Now I'm off to pack a bit, and then finish up Pyle's final (no bullshit here), and then write Joan's op-ed article on immigration/assimilation. That'll be fun, because she wants us to put forth our own views (which I usually do) and be a little cheeky while also being theoretical and doing some really good critical analysis of authors we've read.

For my own good, a to do list:
-Pyle final
-Joan final
-take books to Odyssey for cash
-get books for sailing trip
-work tonight, tomorrow night
-clean out food which will go bad in a month
-clean room in general
-give Nessa keys to car
-clean out car so Nessa is not totally disgusted with my lifestyle

Right then. Hop to it, Sue. Aye aye, cap'n.
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