. . .yeah.
Well, at least we got a new chapter name. Kinda appropriate considering Ulquiorra dissolved like that (I didn't know Espada died like that, but maybe it's happened before and my brain died, I don't remember).
I actually liked Ulquiorra, too. . . .At least, Kubo gave his Ulquihime fans something. Even if he's dead now. Well, Orihime and co. are at least better than trash to him now. Maybe they can be recyclable.
So, uh, Ichigo has magical healing powers. Is he not powerful enough already? Like seriously, he kicking around R2 Ulquiorra like nobody's business. I'd rather have Orihime heal him, actually, because then she'd be useful and Ichigo can stop God-moding. He's rather silly, honorable, but silly. Having your own arm chopped off. . . .seriously, Ichigo.
So, uh, yeah.