(no subject)

Aug 09, 2008 22:23

Well, hello live journal land. I just can't quit you. Sigh. Came home, got to see about 1% of the people I wanted to see. Please, nobody take it personally, I wasn't purposly ducking anyone. I had exactly one evening to see everyone, and I tried to make it work out. I saw some people, but again, if I didn't see you, sorry.

Everything seems to be going meloncholly lately. People are bummed out, a couple tragedies happened to a couple different groups of friends, things have been down. I kind of feel it, and kind of don't. I feel terrible for my friends that are hurting, but it doesn't affect me personally, and the last thing I want to do is leech of other peoples pain and feel sorry for myself. Plus, I don't really feel sad about anything much anymore. I figured out a while ago that as humans, we control nothing. Our actions are all preordained. Now from who, thats up to you. God, Jesus, bhudda, muhammad, Herbert Hoover, maybe just human existence itself, we control nothing. One person is going to do action, and then others are going to react to it. It's not choice, the idea of choice just sticks in our heads as a tool in which we can use to blame others when things go wrong. And when we think back and say we should have made other choices, it's only touturing ourselfs, because we didn't make different choices. There was no option. What we did, and what we are yet to do, it's going to happen. We have no say. It's all written out on a timeline over the course of human events, and we have no control over what happens, just a faint illusion that we do.

I have no illusions anymore about choice. We are precondition and birth to do everything in the exact way it's supposed to happen, and then it does. So I just can't get sad about the tragedies of the human condition. I just can't. Not anymore. I'm done crying for those who left us to young, those who broke my heart, things that don't make sense. There's no what if's anymore. And in the end, everyone gets theirs. And I'll get mine, and when I do, it should be a hell of a show. I got a lot coming to me.

Well, that's my theory anyways. I have a lot of time to think down here in Virginia. Sorry, this was kind of a downer post. I had no choice. Writing this post was going to happen, and then it did. But, I'll try to go out on a funny note. Here's my favorite quote from the lost episodes of the Dave Chappelle show, the skit where he sent up MTV cribs. "There's people starving in Africa, and that shit just ain't baller to me."
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