(no subject)

Jun 30, 2003 13:43

Well, its been many moons since my last post. But I'm sure all three of you have other things to do besides listening to the rants and stories of a mad man.

First up. I've got two days till my vacation. I am both excited and aprehensive at the prospect of going back to my hometown and visiting all my kin-folk. Most of my relatives never left the rolling hills of Arkansas, so they were mostly never exposed to the "Big City" lifestyle. As for me, I ran around college, met new people, learned a bunch of stuff and did a lot of experimentation with this and that. Time has a way of slowing down in rural america. If it isn't next to a hub of commerce and industry, it kinda fades into the background to progress at it's own pace or just kinda sits still in some instances. Where I came from, there was a criss-cross of dirt roads that wound around the countryside like giant brown snakes. You could go from one side of the county to the other and maybe see a paved road every once in a great while. Now I look back at my roots and wonder.

I have a distinct feeling that I am going to be answering many questions from my relatives in the next few days. The main one will probably be "How did you become a minister?" since I am preforming the wedding ceremony for my cousin. At this point, I don't know whether to lie or to tell them the truth (which is stranger than fiction in itself).

Check out www.ulc.org or a bunch of other wonderous sites that will ordain you on the spot, no cost or obligation. You don't even have to belive in what they have to say. Thank God for the Internet! I'm not sure how my kinfolk are going to take the fact that I was ordained over the internet. I guess they will have to accept it. It's legal!

All in all, it will be a much deserved vacation from the hustle and bustle of the print industry. I can't wait to leave. The only thing I don't want to leave is my girlfriend, who will be stuck in my apt for almost two weeks. Not a fun thing.

So, what have we learned today?
If absence makes the heart grow fonder, I'd have to leave my job for good before I liked it!

So until next time:
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