Strange days are these...

Oct 14, 2003 21:06

Well, my obsession as of late is this whole icon thing.

Where did I get it?

I'd have to blame it on the one that introduced me to icons in LJ in the first place. perch_and_creep would have to be said guilty party. I wasn't very into it at first. In fact, it wasn't until she introduced me to the MST3k community that I saw a strange connection to what she had shown me and my ongoing and totally out-of-control obsession with MST3k. And then the connection. Snibbits of MST3k...oh the possibilities are near-endless. And in the couple of months I've been working on them, I've grown quite a few of them.

As far as I can tell, they serve several purposes. 1) Creative Outlet. 2) Practice in Graphic Design. 3) Something fun to see on other people's LJs.;.. (so I am abit of a shallow attention hound) They also make for good conversation pieces.

Oh and they waste time too...

So what have we learned today?
"I take a Corona with Mescal on the Side!"

So until next time:
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