Sep 22, 2003 22:15
Heh, what a day a work.
First up, we gained back a good co-worker from a three and a half month hiatius. He's very well organized and very easy going. In the year or so I worked with him, I saw him rage only once. If you knew where I worked, you would be amazed. Plus he is quite enjoyable to be around. A good guy all around.
Him and I stopped at a local watering hole to catch up and talk about the future of the pre-press department at the print shop I spend my days. Today brought sweeping changes in the whole of the department. Mainly, my boss fired the other typesetter that had worked there with me for about a year. The strange and twisted thing was that most of the time that he was there, he was doing something that I was astonished at.
"OJ" we'll call him. OJ was given this nomenclature because of what he did at the shop. "One Job". He worked on a 16 page newletter that we will call, New Life. Pretty simple stuff. Problem was that OJ did not do his "One Job" very well. He was often rude to the client, lied about receiving artwork and even claimed that I was sabotaging his email account. He was using me as a smoke screen to hide the fact that he did receive artwork from the client but didn't want to do anything about it. On top of that, the client once changed from 16 pages to 12 pages which would decrease the price some. OJ never made mention to my boss about it. My boss, my buddy Bill went to the New Life office and had a little get together with the client, who had some interesting emails that she felt like sharing with my boss. By the time my boss and Bill got back to my office, my boss was mad enought to rip OJ's beady head off clean. However, my boss showed restraint and simply called OJ to his office and brought down the axe! "KA-CHUNK"
Now, I know what your thinking...and yea, OJ DID deserve to get fired. I also don't feel sorry for him in the least. The guy had one job to do plus maybe a handful of minor tasks which he bitched about continuously. He was confrontational about everything as well as quite an oddball sorta fellow.
So what does this mean for me? Probably overtime for one, due to the fact that I am now the only typesetter/graphic artist at my shop. Plus I get my choice of cool computer gadgets now. BWWWHAHAHHAHAHA.... But my buddy Bill is pretty good with a computer.
So what have we learned today?
"Even with the job market, I feel like I have some good job security."
So until next time: