The day after the wedding...

Jul 21, 2002 14:21

*shakes off access water*

Okay, two baths later I have all the lipstick, champagne and perfume out of my fur.

*drops towel on floor and scampers into living area*

So how was the wedding? Great! We had the best time. Well, y'know accept for this joke and that joke, but I'll let it slide Uncle Justin and Daddy JC.

Dad was so excited when he walked down the aisle. WD and I were curled up on Aunt Stacy's lap, I think she thought we were tissues, she kept grabbing us to wipe her eyes with instead of the Kleenex. Dad smiled at me right before the ceremony began and I could of swore he was glowing. He just looked so radiant and so excited up there. I've never seen him happier. And JC too...JC had that big ol' fat grin he always gets, it's the most adorable smile, I don't know how dad couldn't love him. The smile itself just makes you want to jump on JC and hug him to death.

The reception was fun. I went for a twirl on the dance floor on my dad's shoulder a few times, but mostly we just sat on the sidelines, ate, ate, ate, and watched everyone. Then Dad and...uh...Dad?...left for New Orleans. They'll be back in a few days for Challenge for the Children, I think grandma and Aunt Stacy and I are meeting everyone down there...? I don't know, I just live here.

Anyways, the bow tie wasn't too bad, I got A LOT of kisses from relatives for it. WD even winked at me and said I looked cute. *pouts* I DO NOT LOOK CUTE IN A BOWTIE WD!

Now...well now, I'm just tired. And wet. And sickly from all the food I ate. So I'm going to take a really long nap.

Congrats to my dad's, have a great honeymoon. Bring me back a present, you owe me Daddy JC for all the cake jokes. *grins* *laughs*

Hugs to Grandma and Aunt Stacy and the gang for the most amazing wedding.

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