Challenge #1: Stars and Scabbers

Jan 19, 2006 23:28

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to Diricawl Way - a Harry Potter challenge community for those of you looking for anything and everything HP. There is no focus in this community - just Harry Potter in general. Please read the F.A.Q. if you haven't already.

To start things off, I have for you our very first challenge!

Stars and Scabbers

Have you ever been shopping in the bookstore or any other place with HP paraphenalia and come across this lovely little item? Charming, isn't it? The text at the bottom there is especially priceless...

"This fat, sleepy rat is Ron Weasley's pet. Made of grey plush, Scabbers has black stars on his back, a long pink poseable tail, pink claws, nose and ear linings. Scabbers is adorned with his gold collar and green bracelet. When push comes to shove, Scabbers rises to the occasion by protecting Ron against Drago Malfoy and his henchmen."

The bold and underlined text is, of course, mine. Funny, isn't it? Either these items came out before Prisoner of Azkaban (which is the most likely), or the people at Gund simply didn't read past the first couple books or so. And what's up with the collar and bracelet?

Here's a better image of the design.

I'm sure most of you have seen this before.

Anyway, here's the object of this challenge. Create something - an image or any bit of fanfiction - that includes or explains this vision of Scabbers. As long as that starred rat there plays a prominant role, anything goes. There will be winners for best done and most original entries for both art and fics.

Example: Ginny hits that "artistic" stage of her childhood. We've all been there...

The sky's the limit, really. But please try and focus it on the subject at hand. Don't write a Harry/Draco angst fic with a Scabbers plush on the bookshelf or something. Go with the main theme as much as you can.

- You may enter with fanart, fanfic, OR one in each category (but not two in one category).
- Any late entries may still be posted on the community, but they will NOT be eligible for voting.

Posting starts now! Have fun, you guys!

challenge prompt

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