I am very happy for be here today to spam you

Jun 04, 2009 01:07

Who is this adorable bb whose birthday is today?

* Warning: Massive spam ahead! *
It's my favorite jugador de tenis, Rafael Nadal!
Or as he likes to call himself, Rrrrafanadal.

Yes Raf, it's your birthday. Please be with colm.

Anyway, this was just going to be a post of my 23 favorite Rafa pics but it turned into this monster of a spam because apparently I want to celebrate the many things I love about him aside from his tennis. Which is a lot. A lot more than a lot.

So let's begin.

One: His awkward/endearing/sometimes-inappropriate-but-always-awesome oral fixation

Two: The Left Eyebrow of Doom
(and other facial expressions)

Three: The Vamos! Pumps
(and other expressions of glee)

Four: His OCD-ness

Five: His, er, assets and such

Where was I? Oh yes. Number Four. I mean Two. Shit.

Oh yeah here we go.

Six: His constantly fluctuating sense of fashion





Would hit. Repeatedly.

I'm missing in this picture.

Seven: The Happy Rafa

Eight: His epic love story bromance with a certain Roger Federer

For further research, click here (you know you wanna).

Lastly - and this doesn't need visuals - I love Rafito a lot more than a lot because he works himself hard but when he falls he gets right back up and tries again. No excuses and no regrets. And most importantly, he is always with colm.


Okay, I am now with colm. Thank you Rafa in football kit.

So feliz cumpleaños Rafito!

You may now blow out your candles with your family and friends after four straight years of having to do it in front of the whole world!

And have fun relaxing in your pool!

tennis is my boyfriend, nadal: warrior in capris, fedal

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