I rise up from the dead to bring you this news

May 24, 2009 19:40

It's Roland Garros time!!
Marat's playing right now WITH A NEW SHIRT ON.
This is like, major.

He's no longer a bb bumblebee but a Russian smurf! Thank you, Adidas.
Hopefully I can come back here in an hour's time announcing his first round win. Otherwise I'm going back to bed and sleeping off this awful flu.

ETA: WIN! 6-4 6-4 6-4. Usually I'd post up a celebratory pic but I'm barely awake to post this so I'm going to be a 7 year-old and sleep in my mom's room 'coz I am v. sick and want to be coddled. Goodnight! <3

you make me wanna sin marat safin, tennis is my boyfriend

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