Someone give the man some blinis

May 15, 2009 00:32

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Marat's looking like he's had too much vodka and not enough sleep. What's wrong bb? LOL at his choking comment. Yes dear, we all wish for the same thing too so please make it come true okay?

ETA: ATP players discussing their favorite books!

What pushed this video up from the level of cute to downright awesome:
- Mardy Fish citing Breaking Back as his favorite
- Jo loves Coelho ♥ And the way he says L'Alchemist!!! *dies*
- Mandy's brother may or may not be > than Mandy
- Nando!! He always rambles on way too much in these videos, I love it!
- NALBY LOVES LOTR!!! I luff him <3

Note to Gilles and Mandy: reading? It's good for you. And whatevs Murray you missed out on all the good Harry Potter books, the 2nd one was the worst.

you make me wanna sin marat safin, links, hp, tennis is my boyfriend, books

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