The fortnight of insanity begins

Jan 20, 2009 01:08

Australian Open has started! ♥ These two weeks are going to be fantastic for me, but not so much for my LJ, woops. Since it's the only Slam that doesn't require me to stay up late/wake up early (time difference being only three hours) I'm going to make the most of it :p I can enjoy the night matches around late afternoon here, and have time to do errands in the morning, so big huzzah!

I was in front of the television for the latter half of the day for Marat's match as well as Roger's. Glad to report that they both won in 3 sets each, though Marat had it easier with his opponent than Roger did with Seppi.

There be some winnage, so here you go!

It's going to be ridiculous when he meets Roger in the 3rd/4th round, I don't think my heart could take all the stress! Rafa has Murray in his side of the draw and he's always been such a Fedal final cockblocker, lol. Stop it Andy.

If, by the end of the two weeks you do not hear from me, just assume that I have either died from over-exertion or have been put under heavy sedation.

P.S. I should update my tags 'coz 1)I don't covet Rogi's hair anymore, I miss it and 2)Rafa no longer wears capris, lol.

you make me wanna sin marat safin, i covet your hair roger federer, tennis is my boyfriend, nadal: warrior in capris, fedal

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