Sí se puede

Nov 05, 2008 22:04

4 years ago when it was announced that Bush had won the elections, I remember people throwing rolls of tissue or crumpled paper out of their dorm windows, students screaming in frustration and punching walls, crying, everything - it pretty much felt like a riot was going to go down.

What I would give to have had this moment, this election, this president, to have been the one voted into office at the time when I was still a resident of the United States. It must feel so amazing to be part of history in such a wonderful way as this.

We (because of course the outcome affects us all) now have the first African-American president, and the first president in 8 years a long time who really knows his stuff and is just so charismatic and awesome. I've pretty much been crying for the past two hours that I've been watching the news, it's all so amazing!

Congratulations to President-elect Barack Obama! You give not only Americans, but all of us, hope. Congratulations America! I feel like I can finally breathe! ♥

(Although, damn, Cali, why you gotta be like that? You make this former San Franciscan very unhappy. What are you thinking?!?!?)

current events, politics (shyeahright), obama 08

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