Smoulder Alert

Oct 03, 2008 04:00

I'm not hung up about Darcy. I do not sit at home with the pause button on Colin Firth in clingy pants, okay?

Umm, no comment? :p

I've decided that despite the late hour(it's 3:30 in the morning now) I will stay up to watch the last episode of Lost In Austen.

This show is absolutely wonderful crack, I mean, it's self-insertion at its finest and I WANT IT ALL TO HAPPEN TO ME.

Ohgod. If there were actually places where you can act and dress and pretend to be in an Austen novel I would join in immediately, like a literary version of the Renaissance Fair, lol.

Bingley is so freaking adorable! And wot, Jane marries Mr. Collins?!?!? Jane/Bingley's like my OTP! Well, I've always loved Jane (she's my favorite Bennet sister), not so much Bingley, but in this show I just love that they're not a perfect couple and nothing has gone/is going their way (yet), so this version of Jane/Bingley's my OTP :p

Caroline Bingley's gay? I am so in love with this show like for serious.

One of my absolute favorite changes though, is Wickham. I adore Wickham in this, and I never thought that a day will come when I'll say that.

This show is just fantastic fun, so many DW actors in this (River Song! Tish! Girl from The Empty Child!) and I enjoyed spotting them.


That will never ever ever ever get old! EVER.

I will get destroyed by people, I'm sure, when I say that this wet!Darcy is better than wet!Colin!Darcy. I'M SORRY. It just had to be said, okay, and Colin!Darcy is my ultimate favorite Darcy (though all other 3 versions of Darcy are awesome too) so that's saying a lot. I mean dear god look at him.

And the way he just stares at you, ohgodohgod.

Fitzwilliam Darcy is my eternal fictional boyfriend. You are just so fucking beautiful and angsty and repressed, oh how I love you ♥

"You must not. You must not."
"Wherefore must I not? Who is to judge us?? I have labored so long in the service of propriety."
"Elizabeth. I am not Elizabeth. The entire world will hate me."
"If that were true Amanda I will fight the world! You are the one I love."

By the way I've seen that entire confession/jump-in-lake scene ten times already.


I haven't flailed this much since pictures of Rafa's bare arse started circulating around the internets!!

whoniverse, darcy owns my soul, austen, tv, lost in austen

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