I have a song of my own

Apr 20, 2008 23:39

I watched the episode this morning but only got around to writing this tonight. Spoilers for Planet of the Ood behind the cut!

First of, I just have to point this out and go "Wot?!?".

What have they done to his hair?

I mean sure, I love DT/the Doctor no matter what, but his haircut made me :(
Just have to get used to this I guess, I miss the spiky/ruffled look!

-- Donna was awesome, as always! It should go without saying by this point, but there are a few people out there that are still unimpressed.

-- Snap, first Ood death! Donna's attempt to communicate with the Ood through the translating device made me laugh and go awww at the same time. When she does all these "human" things they don't feel as contrived as I've seen in the past 3 seasons, so good on her!

-- The Doctor seems to be using his stethoscope often this season, I love it 'coz it's probably Martha's! ;)

-- "You have a box, he's got a Ferrari!" If only Jack was around to hear that, lol.

-- Doctor on his back, panting = BRB going to my bunk.

-- The last half of the episode was just amazing, when Ten and Donna found the unprocessed Ood caged up.. Tears, people. Lots of it. The fact that they have their brains on the palm of their hands, exposed, God I cried. The symbolism just hit me so hard, then paired up with their song, guh I was in tears. I LOVE THE OOD!!

-- Telepathic!Doctor was <3 Donna was brilliant in that scene, I think that's when I started to really cry.. Just thinking about that entire scene over is making me sniffle.

Unexpected Barty Crouch?

-- I LOVE THE MUSIC. Oh my goodness, so beautiful! Unlike everyone out there, I had no idea that the song/s had some bits of Doomsday music, if I hadn't read spoilers I wouldn't even know that it was related to Rose in any way.

-- Unexpected Ood!! That bit was gross, by gross I mean totally awesome. The big Ood brain, not so much, although I like the idea behind it, just not visually interesting. I thought there would be like a Mother Ood or a Queen Ood that's been chained up, instead I got a brain :\

-- "Your song must end soon." What does this mean?!?!? Earlier in the episode, the Doctor mentioned the Ood's "Song of captivity." How would that relate to the Doctor? As much as that part could be about Rose returning, I think it's something else that's related to the Doctor's overall story thus far (i.e. losing Gallifrey, being the last of the Time Lords, etc.).

-- I'm also really really loving what we're seeing of the Doctor. He's more willing to admit/acknowledge his mistakes/faults and I just really love that. And he can hear the Ood song the entire time!?!?!? I want to hug him :(

-- The Ood ship Doctor/Donna, LOL.

--  I've noticed that for the past two episodes we see the Doctor and Donna being deified, first by the Roman family and now by the Ood who'll sing songs of "Doctor/Donna forever".. What is this all leading to, if it is leading anywhere?

-- And the pièce de résistance..


-- Two shiny episodes of Martha starting next week!! I can't wait, absolutely can't wait. And hellooooo UNIT boys, so damn hot <3

This season is going by too fast for me :(

doctor who

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