I come bearing Spoilers

Mar 08, 2008 00:33

Well, not really spoilers, since these can be found in the newest DW Magazine, but if you're one of those people that don't want to find out anything about S4, then I suggest you don't go poking around under the cut, mmmkay?

One last warning: Spoilers for the coming season of Doctor Who.

Here be the scanned pages of the list of episodes this coming season. Thanks to
angelfireeast for the link, but the original scans came from this site. If you want to see the bigger version then just click on the pictures, I would've just hosted on Photobucket but I just can't be arsed right now, sorry.

Click to enlarge!!

I'm really really excited for this season, nervous and excited actually. I know Donna will be great and the companion extragavanza in the last 2-3 eps will be amazing. At least I hope so. Let this season be so awesome so that I'd be able to get through 2009 with just three specials airing the entire year. I'm afraid that if S4 doesn't keep my interest that I'd leave the fandom eventually, and I'd so hate for that to happen I mean, it was hard enough to wait for like eight months between seasons, what more an entire year and a half, almost. I can't even bear thinking about it.

I love this time of the year, when we're being thrown all these spoilers left and right since it's almost time for the season to air. IS IT NOT APRIL YET?!?!? There are tons more spoilers floating out there but I'd rather keep to the ones that hold some sort of validity/credibility. But then RTD's always had a tendency to lie to fandom from time to time just to lead us away from the real stuff/watch fandom wriggle uncomfortably, so yeah. Whatever, I'll just wait until April.

LOL at Donna and Ten's matching outfits though, I wish they kept Donna's look from one of the earliest pictures they showed, must've been from last year, with her nice hair and everything. O hai Doctor I'm liking that pose of seduction you always make with the matching raised left eyebrow of sex. How I missed you, hurry the eff up already.

As much as I'm looking forward to DW in April, it also means the end of Torchwood, and I don't know if I can cope with that just yet. Not when I'm falling ever so slowly for Owen, haha. TW can't leave meeeeeeeee I need youuuuuuu!!!

whoniverse, tv, doctor who, torchwood

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