I can't stand it, too much crap in my head, must organize. And yes, all my ships are effed up and sometimes just come from WAY out of left field, but that's just how I am, and that's how it is, and I can't do anything about them anymore. If you know me at all, I always go for the underdogs, haha. That's just how I roll. And I still love you all if you won't love me anymore :))
Harry Potter:
Ron/Hermione-- Whoever thought otherwise is just.. WHAT.
Harry/Ginny -- Same as above.
Neville/Luna -- They should've gotten together!
Sirius/Lupin -- What? It was so for real.
Krum/Hermione -- Does Ron some good to get jealous, haha.
Albus Severus/Scorpios -- Just for the traumatic lols.
Dumbledore/No one -- Asexual, that's it. He loved everyone, but not in that way (I'll keep thinking that).
Snape/ME -- Shut up. Just, shush.
Jacob/Bella -- YES THERE I SAID IT. This is also a residual effect of my being a vampire purist of sorts. THERE I SAID IT TOO. I'm prejudiced.
Edward/Bella -- I'm a romantic, but sometimes their neverending doubt and self-consciousness gets to me.
Charlie/Renee -- Hahah wtf right.
Mike/Some nice Forks girl -- Guy gets so little love.
Doctor Who:
Ten/Martha -- Doesn't make sense but it's there, I blame Smith & Jones and The Lazarus Experiment. But no regrets!
Nine/Rose -- Don't even need to explain, I liked them together!
Rose/Mickey -- I'm all for the undertindog!
Jackie/Pete -- Both Alt!Pete and non-Alt!Pete.
Jack/Everyone -- This, oddly enough, doesn't apply to him in Torchwood, I shall explain later :))
Eight/Martha -- You're probably wondering how? I blame
persiflage_1, lol.
Jack/Ianto -- Hot. Just SO HOT. This is why I don't want Jack with anyone else in the Torchwood-verse.
Gwen/Rhys -- I'm so conservative sometimes it scares even me.
Owen/Tosh -- Can this happen, please?!!?
Tosh/Tommy -- I miss him! Wtf. So cute!!!
Martha/Owen -- It could happen and I wouldn't mind.
Tosh/Ianto -- Long long shot but I wouldn't mind with this either.
Janet/Some future TW alien -- She needs love too!
I shall add some more when it pops up in my head. But that's how it all stands right now, haha. Lets make this a survey/meme -- what are your ships? I was never one for these types of things before but hey whatevs that's how it is.