So finally, three days after the Doctor Who finale I've gotten around to writing about it. The length of time it took me to process everything seriously took 72 hours because it was that insane.
BBC could've just churned out an audio-episode because with the way they did everything, listening to it would've been just as good as watching it. I was
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But John Simms rocked and so did David Tennant's scenes with him. The two did great together overall and it's a shame RTD killed off the Master instead of letting him just escape. I would have loved seeing Master pop up again next year for a two-parter.
As for Martha, poor Freema really got the shaft this year. I loved her from the very start and was hoping for a nice ending where the Doctor would finally recognize how awesome she had been. Not giving her his undying love or anything - just some simple praise that all she did had not gone unnoticed and he did need her. But instead stands there and basically says nothing. Grrrr. I hate that I hate the Doctor but I don't blame DT for it - I blame RTD and his crappy writing. I am glad she left on her terms too but it still hurts that she had to leave at all. So many other ways for this to have ended and it just feels to me like since she wasn't blonde and didn't need the Doctor to save her all the time, she wasn't worthy to be a companion. But that's my issue with the new show's writing style.
Initially I was put off she was going to Torchwood. But now that I've had time to think about it, I look forward to seeing her on the show (even if it is only for 3 episodes). Enjoyed her scenes with Jack and Freema/John have fabulous chemistry in my opinion. Just hope the writing is better than last year.
That said, I am apprehensive about how she's going to come back in series 4. Especially if the new companion is another woman (and the Doctor has some type of romantic connection to her). But for the moment I'm still a bit peeved we aren't getting Martha in the Christmas episode. I was so hoping to see how the dysfunctional Jones celebrated Christmas. Not a Kylie fan so it's even more disappointing. :(
As for Martha going to Torchwood, I don't mind in the least, as long as they don't sully her clean-cut image that I enjoy at the moment, and of course for more Jack/Martha scenes. They were great together! And please, no hooking up with Owen! That guy needs a strong kick in the groin.
Now that you've mentioned the Christmas episode, it would so much fun to see the Joneses (?) celebrate, I really really hope that they'd show a bit of that in the end, perhaps with the Doctor looking in on Martha and missing her loads :) We'll just have to wait and see!
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