Happiness: Day 2

Sep 17, 2013 19:00

Life is really testing my resolve. Between working late on a high pressure project and someone really hurting me emotionally it's very difficult to see the silver lining, but I persevere as best I can. Before I get to it, however, I want to reiterate a few points that arose out of the hurtful conversion:

- A lie by omission is still a lie.
- You will never hurt someone as much by being open and upfront about something as you will by trying to hide it and hope they don't notice.
- Even if a decision you make turns out to be the right one, that doesn't absolve from responsibility in the situation, nor does it mean you won't hurt people with that decision.

Through the clouds, sunlight peeks

Dealing with issues like these that threaten tears and leave me with a heavy heart only make it all the more easy to see how lucky I am that I don't have to endure it alone. My sweet fox held my paw and told me everything would be okay, and I believe him.

Break the 3rd seal and embrace joy
1) Fursuits: They're just so stupidly wonderful. Few things make me smile as honestly as being in fursuit, or snuggling someone who is.
2) Friends: Though some have come and gone, and others disappoint, there are more than some who bring me greater fulfillment and happiness. I couldn't make it without you all.
3) Perseverenece: I'm proud to have reached a point where I have the strength to weather adversity and continue forward.
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