I think I promised to upload some pictures just after we arrived. A month after still counts, right?
No idea if this cut thing will work. The preview doesn't show it, but that could just be terrible design. Oh, well. All photography is, of course, by Sarah.
This is our flat - all of our flat. If you were wondering why we haven't invited anyone over yet, this is why.
The other direction. Yep, even smaller.
This is the view from the balcony (through the net curtains). We're in a block of about 100 apartments. I think they're supposed to be student flats, but I don't see how a student could afford them.
And this is from out the front. The chimneys in the background belong to the local power station.
Looking back at the apartments. I think it looks like it should be a cheap resort in southern spain or something.
This is where Sarah works, as seen from the apartment. Most of the area to the north, south and east is fields, although I think there are plans to build more houses.
I think that'll do for now. I have some pictures of the centre of Munich which I may post later - it's all on photobucket if you're interested. Plus I should probably post some pictures of the new place once we move in. Hopefully won't take a month this time.