Serenity coming to Screenland Theatre this Friday

Jun 21, 2006 20:55

So guys! Wanna see Serenity one more time on the Big Screen?

Friday, June 23rd, Screenland Theatre will be hosting a special Birthday screening of Serenity as part of the world wide movement called Serenity Days. All around the world theatres will be showing Director Joss Whedon's wonderful film Serenity on the big screen. This coincides with his birthday that is on the same day. We will also be taking donations, like many of the screenings across the country, for Joss Whedon's favorite charity Equality Now. Screenland is the only theatre in the Kansas or Missouri that you can be part of this celebration. Tickets are just $6 and can be purchased in advance on our website or over the phone. We do have only 150 seats to offer for each show so get your tickets now as we do expect to have a big crowd. You can't stop the signal.

In order to help you get tickets as quickly and as easily as possible Screenland is happy to announce that you can now purchase tickets on our website for all of our shows! Simply go to and click on one of the many "Click Here To Buy Tickets" links we have. You will be taken to to complete your secure web purchase. Transactions must be done with a Visa or a Mastercard and the tickets are non-refundable. There is no service charge for your purchase. Children are 12 and under and Seniors are 55 and older. Film Society tickets must be purchased at the box office only. You will be given a receipt that you can print out and a confirmation number. When you arrive at the theatre simply present the box office attendant with the credit card you purchased the tickets with or your receipt/confirmation number. It is that easy. We will also be taking phone orders and do advance sales at the box office for all shows during regular box office hours.

Screenland Theatre is a little theatre/museum for the history of Kansas City's Film Row. Its pretty cool, and definitly a theatre worth supporting. AND you get to see Serenity one more time in bigger than DVD status.
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