Jul 12, 2004 15:47
Well Jasmine, obviously you are a lil upset since none of us has contacted you...
Im sorry! I got your last two postcards on friday! The one from England and umm Munich I think...
Anyways I will call you this week...I got tomorrow off and so Im gonna get a calling card...Man but I wanna call you when we have a lot of time to talk because a lot has happened...
Just in case you wanted to know I got my braces off! Crazy...
I miss you!
I need your home address, because everyday I see Texas postcards and I wanna send you some...I enjoy very much reading your postcards...I just whimper out Jasmine every time I get one!
Theres a lot more but its more appropriate for the phone, oh yeah is there like a certain I should call or something cause the time difference is so huge...
Im sorry about this, I have not forgotten you...Ive just been working and going to stupid places and doing stupid things...Heh...
I have a great story to tell you that involves the words "bend over".
Jaz its hard to call you if your cell is off and your home phone is busy!