Its been a fast paced new 2008, with no sign of slowing down soon. It started off with some serious experimental work spraying insects with nasty neurotoxins, then moving onwards to preparation for this conference, be it poster preparation, downloading and understanding statistical software packages and analysis. Somehow I've kept it all together so far, and though i'm tired, it looks like I'll be able to manage so far.
I had my first flat tire last saturday, which was no real problem, but Tina had to hold the umbrella when it bucketed rain. I've finally (after 6 weeks of rejected applications, shit realestate agents and having to live with Tina's parents) got a place to live, a nice little terranced house with good light and clean surfaces. We'll move in on Saturday.
I'm at the
ANZBC2008 biocontrol conference this week, which has been really useful both for my work and for contact making - so much more useful than the last one. Last day today, and i'm knackered and want little more than to sleep, but I think it would be insulting to Leigh, whose spent a lot of time organising the whole event, to leave now. So i'll stay.
I am having a lie-in tomorrow.