Take Off Your Rainbow Shades Part II: I Went to the Desert In a Car With No Name

Apr 21, 2011 21:44

 I realized this morning, as I drove from Phoenix to Tucson, that it had been nearly 3 years since my last excursion in the Southwest.   I don't think I'll wait so long next time.  I loooooove the desert.  On the whole drive I kept finding myself making the same little happy sounds that are usually reserved for a particularly good meal.  I love the way the light falls in this part of the country.  Makes sense why so many painters, including fellow Wisconsin-native Georgia O'Keefe, have come to the Southwest.

I spent a good chunk of the day at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  Although "museum" is a bit of a narrow term for it.  Think of a combination of museum, botanical garden, and zoo.  There are exhibits (most are partially or totally outdoors) where you can see specific animals.  The hummingbird exhibit is especially cool.  I'd never seen baby hummingbirds, or hummingbird nests before.  It was also a first seeing so many of them up close.  Also got a kick out of the fact that their Spanish name is "chupaflores" or "flower-suckers."

It's also amazing the vast amounts of plants and animals that live in the Sonora desert.  I tend to think of deserts as being rather barren.  But in the Sonora there seemed to be flowering plants everywhere.  Also never thought I'd be so enthused about seeing a lizard in the wild.  Especially one that was such a vivid green, it looked artificial.  Sadly I left my regular camera at home, but got a ton of pix on my cellphone.

I also enjoyed listening to one of the docents (who also had a delightful British accent) describe in detail the history of the different rocks in Arizona and what a wide range there are.  I'm not quite sure why, but I get a big kick out of rocks.  After the docent finished his spiel I said in awe "It's rock heaven!"  The docent grinned and agreed with me.  I definitely need to spend more time in this state.

One moment where I had to bite my tongue was in the gift shop.  I was doing the usual "Veni Vidi Kitschi" thing.  I overheard a  cashier saying "Yes, we do have the best ice cream here."  I was really tempted to say "I'm from Wisconsin and no, you don't."  :P

This evening Anna and I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant called "Mucho Gusto."  It was quite tasty.  At home I've pretty much lost patience with most Mexican and Chinese restaurants....too gringo-fied for my taste.

Then we went to the opening of an exhibit at the Shemer Gallery because Anna is friends with one of the artists.  The gallery used to be somebody's house, so it was an interesting (if occasionally hard to squeeze through) space.  Also a delightful contrast to the rootin' tootin' time we had last night at Rustler's Rooste.

Well at this point I'm too baked...literally....to write much more.  Tomorrow one day more of exploring Phoenix.  One of the more interesting things in the itinerary: there is a huge Mormon Easter pageant right nearby Anna's condo.  Stay tuned!  :)


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