❀ application for towerofanimus

Sep 09, 2011 20:27

Player Information

Name: Debs
Personal LJ: sparkledyne
Age: 22
Contact Info:
AIM: kyuupin
EMAIL: raisedbyharos[at]gmail[dot]com
Other Characters Played:
Tavros Nitram | Homestuck | pchaaair

Character Information

Character Name: Merrill
Character Series: Dragon Age 2
Character Age: Mid-Late 20s
Character Gender: Female
Original Canon
Canon Point: Just after the final battle, right before the party flees Kirkwall.
Background Link: Ma nuvenin! You have to click on the labels to expand things.

Hawke is a female rogue that is mage-sympathetic. Hawke also romanced Merrill.
❀ Hawke sided with the mages in the final battle, and of course, Merrill followed her into battle and supported her 100%.
❀ She was given the Arulin'Holm by Hawke so that she could continue work on the eluvian mirror.
❀ Hawke also took the blame for Merrill's actions that resulted in Keeper Marethari's death.

Merrill is very naive elf-- she doesn't know a lot about the world outside of her Dalish clan and it's very obvious. This is sort of dangerous, especially when she first gets to Kirkwall! She initally thought that mugging was simply how they said 'hello', and that because she hadn't been mugged yet, the people in the alienage must not have liked her all that much. She has a tendency to miss the point a lot, too-- a lot of the time, she doesn't realize something until someone points it out to her! Sometimes she realizes things when people go "Merrill...", too. A lot of the time, her head seems to be in the clouds. She often wonders about things that normal people wouldn't bother thinking about, like how Qunari might scratch their head, or if Anders's cat was really a knight. She also has a tendency to take things very literally. The brothel? She didn't understand what it was because it didn't have anything to do with broth.

As time went on and she spent more time in Kirkwall, Merrill slowly began to learn how to use sarcasm and how to properly tease thanks to the people that she spent a lot of her time with.

In a way, she can come off as kind of childish at times, too-- when romanced, there is evidence that Merrill has been swinging from the chandelier in the Hawke estate, running around barefoot (she dislikes shoes), picking flowers from gardens, cooing at the guard dogs of neighbors... things like that! She also frolics, although never in the forest. The trees get jealous because they can't frolic with the elves. She also gets lost easily and never really looks where she's going.

She is very kind and sweet for the most part, and she makes an effort to be kind to others unless they give her a reason to not be. She doesn't particulary like being angry or anything like that, and she prefers to try to be nice in an effort to get people to like her. She's very awkward socially, and has always had a lot of problems with fitting in (due to being the Keeper's apprentice). Because of this, she's spent a lot of time alone, studying what history and magic the Dalish have recovered of their past.

Merrill is very awkward, like I've mentioned before. She honestly does not know how to act around others socially, especially when confronted with situations she's never been in before (which happens a lot). She can babble for quite a bit, but she usually realizes what she's doing and stops before she can go on for too long. Merrill is prone to talking herself into a spot she can't easily get out of.

Unlike how Merrill may appear to others, she is actually very smart. She knows a lot about elven history, a lot of Keeper magic, and she knows that dealing with spirits is dangerous. Yes, she did make a bad decision when she made a deal with the demon, but she knows how to be careful. She refuses to let herself be swayed by the demon or any spirit, and she knows that it is very important to be careful. She also realizes how dangerous being a blood mage is, even if she insists that she will be okay. At the same time, though, blood magic isn't an evil thing to her despite what it can do. It's just magic to her, aside from the fact that a deal has to be made with a demon in order to learn how to use it. She doesn't use the manipulation or sacrifices that comes with being a blood mage at all.

At the same time, Merrill was tricked by the demon, as much as she tried to not be. Keeper Marethari, her mentor, took the demon into herself and had Merrill kill her so that the demon could be killed. If she had completed the deal with the demon, it would have used her to get into the world, and would have possessed her or killed her in the process.

The only thing that Merrill really uses blood magic for is helping out her friends and fighting enemies and purging the taint from her shard of the eluvian mirror. She asked for help from the demon in purging the shard of mirror because she is on a quest for knowledge. Elves have suffered a lot through the years, losing so much of their culture and history as time went on, and like all Dalish, Merrill has a fascination with the past and uncovering it. However, this wasn't exactly the best thing she could do. The eluvian did very bad things to a member of her clan, and the clan wants nothing to do with it. Her determination to find out the past led her to leaving her clan of her own will, and eventually, to being exiled because
of the Keeper's death.

Like every other Dalish elf, Merrill will sometimes use various Elven words and phrases when she speaks-- it's in an effort to help reclaim a bit of the past the elves have lost throughout history.

Merrill was born with the ability to use magic-- however, because she is a Dalish elf, she was never sent to the Circle to hone her magical abilities. Instead, she was made a First - an apprentice of the Keeper, who is head of a Dalish clan. Because she is a First, she knows some old magic! All of it is based on nature for the most part. Her unique specialization is full of Keeper magic.

Aside from that, Merrill is a blood mage, and therefore uses her blood to power up her magic and do things that she would be unable to do with normal magic, like purge the Darkspawn taint from a shard of a broken mirror. Blood magic can do a lot, and not all of it is good, even if it's not inherently an evil form of magic. It's mostly just who uses it! The reason it's considered evil is because it requires making a deal with a demon. This is incredibly dangerous, though, because mages that aren't able to fight off demons can become abominations. Merrill hasn't had any problems with becoming anything like this because of her deals with demons, but her risk of becoming an abomination runs higher than it would normally because she is messing with some very dangerous magic. appear evil), it still requires making a deal with a demon to learn the magic.

Sample Entry:
[Merrill did not like the sound of the letter! At all. Nope. Everything about it was awful. A destroyed world? What about Hawke? Her Kirkwall friends? ... Her clan? She had no idea what she was doing at the moment, aside from wandering around. She had to see if there were others! It certainly seemed like there were, with how it was set up. Merrill was looking all over the place to see if she could find anyone.]

Hello? Is there anyone here? [A beat.] I think I might be lost! This doesn't look like any part of Kirkwall that I've seen before, and I've seen a lot-- I'm always getting lost there. It's such a big city. [Another beat.] I'm babbling, sorry.

Anyway... if there's anyone here, you can come out if you would like! I want to meet you. [Unless they're bad. Then she would rather not meet them if she could avoid it.]

If you trip over the twine, too, I am terribly sorry. I'm using it so that I can find my way back to the room that I woke up in.

!application, !animus, !ooc

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