Twin Reality

Apr 19, 2005 16:07

A subject I often find myself pondering is that of madness. What defines insanity? A simple differing of mentality than that of the bulk of humanity? That sounds far too broad. Madness is seeing a radically different world than that which is accepted as real. I believe it to manifest in twin form. The first and most apparent would be the classic schizophrenic. The people who believe themselves to be the King of Sweden or Napoleon Bonaparte. These are the ones who's minds are so far removed from reality that they can no longer function in the world at large. There is little more needed to define that madness. The second form is a bit less obvious and requires some background.
Most people surround themselves with a false reality, akin to the manner of the first form, but not to near the degree. This acts as a barrier to the harsh truths of the world. People tend to bear a passionate hatred of the truth. Therefore, if they deny it, they can pretend that they lead whatever sort of life they desire. They are good people and everyone likes them or whatnot. This shield is what keeps them together, and most live the entirety of their lives in it. My experience has shown the lengths that people will go to ensure that it remains intact. From this concept is born the second form.
These are the people who accept the brutality of reality and refuse to shroud their world in lies. But knowledge carries a price, as all things do. That price is sanity. Existing in true reality is nearly as different from the norm as is the mind of our friend Mr. Bonaparte mentioned earlier. A mind so perfectly sane as to appear mad. An odd concept, but one that I nonetheless believe to be truth. And thus the question poses itself, Which is best? A peaceful, but false world? Or the sadness, anger, and pain that define truth...
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